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Maybe if I had met you then.
When my eyes could see better.
When our faces were brighter,
before the disappointment had settled.
Before the world became an enemy neither of us could resist.

Maybe if I had met you then.
When we were still innocent,
before my tongue narrated hate and ignorance
Before we had rehearsed bitter sayings
that neither of us could comprehend.

Maybe if I had met you then.
Things would've been slightly different.

Maybe if I had met you then we would've given up much quicker.

Maybe if I had met you then I wouldn't have fallen into your arms every night and
you wouldn't have known how to hold me so tight.

Maybe if I had met you then, we wouldn't have tried to feel loved.

Maybe if I had met you then, we would've never been this good for each other.

Maybe, this is where we must exist, in the past, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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