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The tavern was very loud this night, most of the Knight of Favonius was here. If Diluc heard correctly, and of course he do, they were celebrating a victory. Something about dead abyss mages, and of course, a certain one of them was here too.

The Cavalry Captain was at is 9 drinks, and was no more a loud joy speaking human but just a worm who was lying on the bar. Mumbling as usual, something about he's past.

It always make Diluc sad, seeing is ex-brother like that. He know why and what make him a hiding depression person.

-Kaeya « Why am i here ? I shouldn't be here, i don't deserve it. I don't deserve all of this and i- »

-Diluc « You surely should leave and go home, Sir Kaeya. »

Interrupt the barman who was making a new drink for an already drunk customer.

He's voice seems to intrude the monologue of the blue haired man who open more is eyes to see who was speaking to him.

After a while of an eyes to eyes, when the blue meet the red, with a sigh the Captain look away and say something that Diluc can't understand.

-Kaeya « I understand why you're mad at me. You are right. »

-Diluc « Here's not the time, Sir Kaeya. You are drunk, just go home and-« 

-Kaeya « I should die this night, things whould had be easier for everyone. »

The laugh at the end of his sentence make the blood of Diluc cold.

-Diluc « You-« 

-Kaeya « Yeah you right, i'm pretty drunk for saying things like this in front of you. »

Another laugh. He was laughing at himself. Making Ragnvindr more and more in a very bad mood, his vision was getting hot. He had to calm himself, there was still a lot of people and Charles wasn't-

-Charles « Good evening, Master Diluc. »

Charles arrived. Great. 

-Diluc « Good evening Charles, i'm sorry i won't be able to close tonight. Can you-« 

-Charles « Yes of course, no matter Sir. »

The bluenette was now feeling very deezy, he should stand up and walk a bit. He would feel better. Yes. There was so much noise in his ears, his eyes were blurry, Yes, a walk. Just a simple walk.

As he try to stand he shamely fail and fall agains't his chair. His glass banging loudly against the bar, who caught his ex-brother attention again.

Diluc say nothing else but went to Kaeya side and take his arm to help him stand. It wasn't a first and it won't be a last. Still, peoples are surprised to see the cold barman help the customer he always yell at.

-Kaeya « Don't touch me ! »

This was a first. The Captain always lied in his arms like a worm but today it seems that he was feeling others ways. What make Diluc a bit embarassed. He doesn't like to be on the show, and he know this smooth talker think in reality the same.

The blue eyed man sit down again and sight, the red one follow him and stay still at his side. Worrying. Kaeya really was in a down mood this evening. Diluc swear he won't let him alone this night. No matter what. No Darknight Hero or what they call him.

-Diluc « Kaeya, you have to go home. You have duties tomorrow and i don't think Jean would be happy to see her favorite Captain like this. »

Diluc's tone was strong and smooth at the time as he crosses his arms, defying Kaeya by a glare.

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