No Tombstone Unturned

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Beatrix carefully guided Autumn down Monster High's main hallway. "Almost there," she said, readjusting her grip on Autumn's straw-filled arm. "How you holding up?"

Autumn nodded, her stitched lips tight with determination as she shuffled along. "I'm okay... I just wish I could move faster."

Beatrix glanced at the thick black seams crisscrossing Autumn's torso and shoulder. That fall during last week's casketball game had really done a number on her. Her injuries had been so bad that the cyborg nurse had benched her from fearleading for the rest of the month, which was driving Autumn crazy.

At least she was slowly getting better. The magic that gave Autumn life was working overtime to heal her battered body, the fabric of her patchwork skin gradually knitting itself back up.

But for now, her movements were still stiff and awkward as they made their way through the corridor. Every few steps, a pained little gasp escaped Autumn, making Beatrix wince.

"You sure you're good?" Beatrix asked.

"Uh huh... I'm just... a little sore," Autumn said.

Astar walked beside them, his wings folded against his back. "Can't I fly you to the library? It'd be way faster."

Autumn shook her head stubbornly. "I can do this."

"Come on Patches, there's a bench right there," Astar pointed out. "Take a breather."

"No way," Autumn insisted. "If I sit down now, I might not get up again. I've got too much studying to do."

Beatrix raised an eyebrow, glancing at Astar. "Didn't they cancel classes this week?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can slack off," Autumn said.

Beatrix couldn't help but snort. "Alright, bookworm. Library first, then I've gotta head to another MSS meeting."

As they inched down the hallway, an eerie silence enveloped them.

Classes had been canceled for an extra week after Henry Hunchback was found. Normally, an extended winter break would've had everyone celebrating, but the mood was anything but festive.

The silence was broken only by hushed whispers and the occasional slamming of a locker, each sound making everyone jump. It was like the whole school was holding its breath, with one unspoken question lingering in the air: Who's next?

Sure, campus security — a team of gargoyles and enchanted suits of armor — were scouring the area where Henry was found for clues, but that did little to calm anyone's nerves. Fear was written all over every monster's face, from the youngest freshman to the most jaded senior. Beatrix saw it in the way werewolves traveled in tight-knit packs, their fur bristling and their ears laid flat; in how the vampire students huddled in dark corners, their red eyes glowing with suspicion at anyone who passed by.

Beatrix couldn't shake the image of Henry Hunchback lying face-down in the grass. But almost as unsettling was Grey's odd behavior in the aftermath. The way he'd pulled her away from the crime scene, his grip on her arm being a little too tight. It all felt off. Why was he being so secretive?

"So," Beatrix murmured to Astar, "any clue what went down with Henry?" She searched the devil's face.

Astar's reply was annoyingly vague. "Nothing concrete yet. But I'm keeping my eyes open." His wings twitched against his back.

Beatrix held back an eye roll. Some detective, she thought.

"Well, this is my stop," Autumn said when they reached the library doors. "Thanks for walking me, guys."

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