Pain in the Neck

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"I'm listening," Beatrix said, trying to sound tough from her spot on the ground.

Bram's face twisted into a mocking pout. "You shouldn't have lied to Bloodgood about us."

"Lie?" Beatrix's eyebrows shot up. "I didn't lie about anything. I told Bloodgood exactly what I saw in New Salem." She paused, then added defiantly, "Look, I didn't mean to piss anyone off, I just didn't want to die. I'm sure you can understand."

A few paces behind Bram, Vilhelm let out a harsh laugh, leaning against a gnarled oak tree. "Gory was right," he said, a wicked gleam in his crimson eyes, "she's a spirited one."

Bram ignored him, keeping his eyes on Beatrix as he stepped closer. "Didn't your mother ever tell you lying is wrong?" he asked, his voice dripping with fake concern.

"Hey, who knows if she even has a mom?" Vilhelm chimed in. "Aren't witches raised by a bunch of devil-worshiping fan girls?"

Bram snickered. "More like a bunch of devil-worshiping cat ladies. With her manners, she might as well have grown up in a barn."

Any other day, Beatrix might've laughed their insults off. Witch covens were pretty ridiculous, after all. But right now, trapped and terrified, she couldn't see the humor in it.

There was something off about how these boys talked — they spoke in a strange, old-fashioned way that didn't match their youthful faces; a creepy reminder of what they really were: ancient predators stuck in teenage bodies, ready to attack at any moment. Beatrix felt her blood run cold as she realized just how screwed she was.

Vilhelm pushed himself off from the tree and sauntered closer, his eyes narrowing as he studied her. "Why were you stalking us at the Halloween party?" he asked, his tone suddenly serious.

"What are they talking about?" Autumn piped up a few feet away, her brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to piece together the conversation.

"They're the vampires we caught feeding on those human girls!" Guillermo blurted out, making Bram and Vilhelm turn their chilling glares upon him. Trembling, Guillermo ducked behind Autumn. "Allegedly," Guillermo added in a small voice.

Autumn looked seriously confused, her gaze darting between the vampires and Beatrix. "What girls?"

Guillermo peeked out from behind the scarecrow. "Beatrix didn't tell you?"

"Nope... but I'm not surprised," Autumn huffed, crossing her arms. She glanced at Beatrix, clearly hurt. "Bea never tells me anything..."

Bram snapped his fingers, drawing Beatrix's attention back to him. "So, why'd you lie to Bloodgood, witch snitch?" he demanded. "Were you that desperate for attention? Feeling left out at school and wanted your moment in the spotlight?"

"You've been a real pain this past month," Vilhelm added coldly, slowly circling Beatrix.

Beatrix felt her fear giving way to anger, her hands clenching into fists at her sides.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before killing innocent humans!" Beatrix snapped, "and monsters!"

Bram and Vilhelm exchanged a bewildered look.

"That's right," Beatrix said firmly, adrenaline pushing her to be bolder than she should have been. "I know what you did to Gilda Goldstag."

"Wait, you think we killed Gilda?" Bram snorted in disbelief.

Beatrix maintained her glare, convinced.

"Oh man, she's serious!" Vilhelm wheezed. He doubled over laughing, like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.

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