Ugly: Gambit

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I hope you enjoy the story~

(Name) whimpered; her arms wrapped around her body as if to protect her from the harsh words of her peers. Their taunts and jabs were slowly eating away at her mind. She couldn't breathe, oh god she couldn't breathe. Bolting up and quick on her feet, she raced away from her peers. A few tears escaped her (E/c) hues as she slid down the wall of the X-Mansion. Her breathing came out in uneven huffs as her arms wrapped around her pudgy form. She shook slightly while trying to calm her nerves.

It took a few minutes, but she managed to calm down enough to enter the building. She walked in as if nothing had happened at school, a large smile played at her lips as she waved to people walking past her. That was it. She's managed to fool everybody at this school. She managed to fool them into thinking she was fine and cheerful, when in reality she was just tired of it all. Tired of being a fat and ugly slob, a useless sack of meat with no purpose. She sighs as she climbs the stairs to her room.

Reaching her room she pulled the door shut; Her small hands lingering on the door handle as she stared into her dark room. It was rather dull with light grey walls and few things such as a bed and as desk. The one thing that stood out was the giant mirror. Pulling off her top she moved to stare into the mirror. She grimaced at what stared back at her.

What stared back at her was her a look of a girl who's lost all hope. She had a fat body, way to big to be considered to be beautiful in this worlds society. Her dull (E/c) stared back at her while tears welled up. Why couldn't she be skinny? Why couldn't she be useful? The more she stared at herself the more tears that streamed down her pudgy cheeks.

The more she stared into her reflection the more she lost sight of her surroundings.

She didn't even notice the figure coming up behind her.

" What's wrong, Cher?"

She jumped; her body swirled around to stare at the chest of a man she really didn't want to see. " What are you doing here" she questioned though an almost silent sob. The male shook his head as he took her in his arms. Gently he rocked the silently weeping girl. She shook her head through the tears she looked up at the man and stared into his demon colored hues. Why was it every time she didn't want to see him, he showed up and taking her in his arms as if he never left her in the first place.

Humming quietly; Gambit slowly started to dance with her in his arms. Back when the two were together and he found her like this he would always take her in his arms and dance, for some odd reason this seemed to calm the girl. To no ones surprise her she started to calm down and regain her smile as the two danced across the small room.

She stared at him with a sad look.

She knew this wasn't going to last long, he was going to leave her just like how he appeared...

But for now she'll just go with it.

The end

Tbh, I still suck at endings.

I hope you liked it.

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