arale vs blue

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Gine, pov  hey we here  now how can I help u  oh we want to see can u fix  my dragon  radar  he tries  to fix  it  oh hey what's  going  on ill fix  it thanks see dad can fix  any anything  meanwhile  blue is looking  for a way to  get off the Island  he  arrives  at the nomkimai   house  well I can finally  he see  gine arale  n goku  dammit  I can't  get away  from  them  wait a minute  it's working  it' says it's near by hey is this guy  it no it doesn't  look like that  it's bigger  ohh  crap they coming  this way i have to hide  blue thought  he moves I few times before  finally  hiding  into   what is that  someone  moving  around  I can sense whoever  it is  karrot  where  are u  stay back are she gets it let her go  blue  she has nothing to do with  this  am going to take the plan nobody  going  to follow me  how about  this  genius  don't  tell anyone  what u plan to do  that's  kinda wired  she licks the kiafe  am going to use it I wouldn't  do that if I was u  what u going  do use tricks to get away  again  it's getting  pretty  old  am going to kill as I see him use  tree  to  hey show him how u pay tag what  u talking  before  I could  say anything   she kicks  n handbutts him he   lunching  him far away crap the dragon  radar  I can get another  one

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