Chapter 1

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There were vampires in the territory.

Jaekyung didn't know why they were here or what they wanted, and he didn't care. They were trespassing, and he and his pack would take pleasure in hunting them down.

Yoongu walked beside him as they strode through the dark streets in human form, noses to the breeze. They technically had the right to traverse in wolf form since this part of the city was legally on their territory, but the humans they coexisted with appreciated their efforts to keep the wolfing around to a minimum. This approach was subtler, anyway.

"Why do you think they're here, alpha?" Yoongu asked, voicing the question that Jaekyung had already tossed into his mental rubbish bin without bothering to answer it.

"Who the fuck knows?" Jaekyung grunted, his black combat books splashing through an oily puddle.

"Don't you think it's weird though?" Yoongu pressed. "They crossed the border so suddenly, and so many of them at once, like they don't even care about getting caught."

Jaekyung's lip curled. "Oh, I'll make the bastards care."

He lifted his nose and scented the cacophony of city odors drifting through the wind. Vampires were easy to scent because of how disgusting they smelled, so this hunt wouldn't take long. Not that Jaekyung minded a good long hunt, full of the smell of the prey's fear and the-

Jaekyung paused as a particularly sweet scent caught his attention. He glanced at Yoongu, but the younger alpha didn't seem to have noticed anything. Jaekyung took another whiff of the faint scent, and this time it struck a very specific chord deep inside his chest.

His wolf reared up inside him and a single thought echoed like a gunshot from the bowels of his instinct.


Jaekyung's full-body shudder made Yoongu turn to him. "Alpha? Did you scent them?"

Jaekyung's mind reeled as he fought to maintain control over his excited wolf. He couldn't jump to conclusions. There hadn't been an omega in or near his territory for his entire reign as alpha. He'd only ever seen two in person, and those had already been mated to alphas of other packs throughout the city. He could be mistaken. There was no way to know-

Jaekyung's head snapped up as the scent grew stronger. Oh, that was definitely an omega. Sweet and tantalizing, the scent had his whole body tensing up as every instinct screamed at him to hunt down and claim the omega as his own.

"What is it, alpha?" Yoongu asked, concern flickering on his face as he sensed his alpha's agitation.

"Omega," Jaekyung growled, his claws sliding out from his fingertips.

Yoongu gawked. "What? Here? But how-" He stopped as they both scented another smell on the breeze. This one was putrid and nauseating, like the smell of rotting corpses.

Jaekyung snarled. "Vamps."

Yoongu let out a growl of his own, his eyes glinting an angry amber.

Jaekyung's gut roiled at the way the omega's sweet scent mingled with the stinking smell of the vampires. "They're after the omega," he barked. Anger rippled through him at the thought of the filthy undead laying hands on his omega.

He paused for only a brief moment, marveling at how he already thought of the omega as his own. The furious need to find and protect them already had his wolf clawing under the surface of his skin, snarling to get out and rip apart anyone who threatened his mate.

Mate? No fucking way... Didn't take you long to make up your mind about that, did it? He thought, addressing his wolf.

His wolf only snarled gleefully inside him.

Jaekyung turned and sprinted toward the end of the street, allowing the shift to take over as he morphed into his wolf form and skidded around a corner.

Yoongu shifted and followed without question, his smaller black form flanking Jaekyung as their paws pounded on the concrete in the direction of the mingled scents.

Jaekyung tilted his head back and sent a piercing howl into the night sky. Answering howls echoed from across the city as the pack responded to his summons.

Exhilaration mingled with the furious rage coursing through him as they raced through the streets. He would find the omega, and he and his wolves would eviscerate the vampire scum, and then he would claim his mate and bring them home to his pack.

The hunt was on.

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