Chapter 4

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Jaekyung stared down at the disheveled, weeping omega as his words rang through the room.


The thought was incongruous, completely impossible.

Jaekyung tugged the omega against him, ignoring the boy's startled cries as he buried his face in his hair and sucked in a deep breath. The sweet, sensual, irresistible smell of omega filled his nose, making his wolf growl with pleasure.

Not a single trace of rancid vampire smell.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he rumbled into Dan's hair. The boy was still struggling and protesting, so he relaxed his arms to allow a few inches of space between them, though he continued cradling Dan's face in his hands. His wolf would barely allow even that short distance. It had totally freaked out when Dan had fled across the room earlier, forcing Jaekyung to take control and shift back to avoid frightening the boy even more.

"I'm a vampire," Dan repeated, eyes puffy and red with tears. "I can't shift, and I don't have a wolf. I don't know why you think I do, but I don't."

Because I'm your fucking mate, that's why.

Jaekyung resisted the urge to say those words out loud, taking a few beats to force his raging anger deep down into his chest. "Your smell," he ground out. "You don't smell like a vampire at all. You smell like an omega. No one can fake that."

"I'm not faking anything!" Dan insisted, his brown eyes shining with fresh tears. "I've been a vampire my whole life. Your nose must be wrong."

Jaekyung almost chuckled. "That's impossible. My nose is never wrong."

Anger flashed in Dan's teary eyes. Without warning, he twisted his head and chomped down on Jaekyung's wrist.

Jaekyung barked as long fangs pierced his skin and drew blood. He snatched his hand away, gawking at the wound before whipping his gaze back to Dan.

The boy's eyes were blood-red, his canine teeth sharpened to long, slender fangs that could never be mistaken for the fangs of a wolf. He panted softly as blood dripped down his chin. It wasn't until a touch of color bloomed on his face that Jaekyung realized how pale he was.

I haven't fed for five days.

Jaekyung's blood ran cold. Vampires were supposed to feed every three days, bare minimum. Blood withdrawals could be serious, life-threatening even. His wolf almost took control then, snarling furiously at his failure to properly care for his mate mere hours after discovering him.

Dan had taken a breath to speak, but he squealed when Jaekyung grabbed him by the waist and hauled him to the bed.

"What are you doing!?" Dan yelled, kicking his legs.

Jaekyung sat on the mattress and wrangled Dan to sit in his lap with his small back against Jaekyung's chest. He wrapped one arm around the boy's waist to keep him from scrambling away again, then held his bitten wrist up to Dan's protesting mouth.

"More." The word was hoarse and came out much harsher than Jaekyung meant it to, but he didn't have time to waste on pleasantries.

Dan stiffened at the barked command. "W-what?"

"Drink more," Jaekyung clarified, managing to sound more human this time.

Dan trembled in his arms, glancing down at the bloody wrist. The little pinpricks from his earlier bite were already closing up. "You... You want me to...drink from you?"

"Yes," Jaekyung said impatiently. "What's wrong, didn't like my taste?"

"No," Dan stammered. Hesitantly, he took Jaekyung's wrist in his much smaller hands and brought it to his lips. He lapped at the blood that was already dripping down, and the delicate touches of his tongue sent delicious tendrils of pleasure straight to Jaekyung's cock.

He would have welcomed the arousal if everything else about this situation hadn't been an absolute shit show. As it was, the last thing he needed was to get hard while Dan was sitting right in his lap. The little omega was skittish enough without being confronted with the overwhelming sexual appetite of a highly dominant alpha werewolf.

Jaekyung hadn't even told him that they were mates yet, for fuck's sake.

Dan finished licking up the smears of blood on Jaekyung's wrist. He eyed the slowly shrinking bite mark for a moment, then latched his lips onto the same spot and bit down.

Never in his life would Jaekyung have thought he would willingly let a vampire drink from him. He wasn't mortal enemies with all vampires, or anything. In fact, some of his best allies were vampires. But any werewolf would feel humiliated to be fed on by a vamp, to be demoted from an apex predator to a submissive prey animal. It simply went against their instincts.

To Jaekyung's surprise, his wolf had no problem with Dan's gentle little sucks as he coaxed the alpha's blood from his veins. If anything, his wolf was elated that his omega was relying on him for sustenance. It was a welcome break from the crying and fleeing.

It all made sense now. Dan's instincts hadn't told him they were mates because he didn't have any wolf instincts. An omega werewolf would've felt calm and safe after waking up next to their newfound mate, but Dan had woken up next to the beast that had slaughtered others of his kind right before his eyes. He really was a vampire, not a werewolf.

Then how the fuck can he be my mate? I've never heard of a werewolf mating anyone other than another werewolf...

The question troubled Jaekyung as he watched his omega feed, but there was nothing he could do about it right now. How much did it matter, really? Dan could have been a six-armed alien from a distant galaxy, and Jaekyung's plans to claim him as his mate would have remained unchanged.

Dan's lips broke away from his wrist with a little gasp. He slumped back against Jaekyung, his slender chest heaving with labored breaths. "Oh, god," he murmured, rubbing his temple with one hand.

Jaekyung and his wolf were instantly on the alert, and he sat up straighter. "What is it? Do you need more?"

Dan shook his head. "Just need a second."

Jaekyung resisted the urge to stroke his face and pet his hair while he caught his breath. It was a miracle that Dan had remained in his lap for this long, and he wasn't going to ruin it by smothering him. His wolf bitched a little, but he ignored it.

Dan's breaths gradually slowed, sounding much healthier and calmer than the shallow, frantic gasps he'd been making earlier. He fidgeted in Jaekyung's lap. "Um... Can I get up now?"

Jaekyung tensed. "It would be best if we stayed in contact."

Dan twisted his head to look back at him. "Why?"

Jaekyung was shocked at how much his appearance had changed. He'd gone from looking pale, haggard, and terrified to rosy-cheeked and full-lipped. His gaze lingered on those plump lips for a moment too long. Somehow, the sight of his own blood smeared over his mate's mouth was incredibly arousing.

"Why does your wolf care so much about being near me?" Dan pressed, his eyebrows scrunching adorably. "Vampires and werewolves are supposed to be enemies."

Jaekyung let out a ragged breath. It would be worse to delay the inevitable, so he might as well get it over with now. "You're my mate, Dan."

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