Guess who? Your favorite (not-too-sus) writer, YNS, that's who! And here's a bit of a continuation with our favorite Mink! Im usually good with nicknames but ngl, kinda struggling with one for her. I might roll with CC but i'll still think about it. Sorta am still finding myself stumped with how to continue things, but good thing we're still a ways off of where we really need to be in the story and still have a mystery or two on our hands! Now it can probably reach 5 chapters lol Oh and let me thank yall for getting this story over 1000 views in such sort time upon release, and NOW that first chapter's over 2000! Before i talk more about it, yall may notice that im in a bit of higher spirits now. "Did you fuck last night?" PFFFFT, I wish! Women usually give coomers like me a hard time, but anyways! Im feeling better mood-wise cuz I got a bit of a countdown til im outta this penthouse shelter, a 10 day countdown! Way better than spending another month here. Anyone that's really been keeping track of me knows that i've been practically homeless for most of the year, so i've been having tons of lows (and yeah, being maidenless for a few months is shitty too. Cooming out...and doing all of THIS always helps me tho), but now there's a light at the end of the tunnel for me nowadays. One of my fams got me a ticket, but i ran into a bit of an issue after seeing that an Uber will cost me over 100$ to get to the airport (FUCK THAT). I was able to see that getting a bus (not a metro. they dont even take me close to there) will take me close to there for about 1/3rd of the price! Steal much? EVEN BETTER i got it set to the night before the flight, and it seems i can just chill at the airport til my flight gets ready. It all should go accordingly. Then when i get a job down once i get back to my hometown, yall can expect chapters more regularly.
I guess I can get to thoughts about the chapter. Sooo i feel like the story is in a good spot now. Still trying to think of how go about the whole Awakening thing with the reader's DF. Im also thinking where i can squeeze Sulong Carrot into all this. Surprisingly all this is still within a day. Pretty full for one, eh? lol As for JP, it should be obvious that i meant for her to be comedic but gave her some weight to the story anyway, which i dont think is a bad thing. She's practically the leader of the Committee, yet she's starting to turn into something else. Let's say her stuff's starting to look rather unflattering. Not as bad as NaitoRenamon, but she's up there. How things're going, it gives me extra time to solidify the other members in my head. I'll have to think of how to progress Carrot over time too, especially power-wise to take on the bigger threats, but I sorta surprised myself with how the reader works well with the other Minks on the team lol. I have a few ideas for Motos (if that's his real name...OOOPS), but expect some bs when it comes to fighting him. His backstory should be in an interesting place now too. I hope everyone's looking forward to seeing Pedro shine, since literally everyone felt it when he died, on some Ace levels. Marines and Warlords may come into play too, depending on how smart I play my cards from here on. My favorite part of this may be the ending. I feel like Im doing a great job ending chapters for this story.
In other news, I'll sorta remind yall that I have preview chapters for some of these stories on my , with one exclusive preview for a new fic I've been wanting to do and Im actually gonna do another one soon. No one's pledged to see them so far, but as of now i gotta replace the ones that got whole chapters real soon, and i'll make one of them a preview of an extra chapter. Anyone that's paid good attention knows which one that'll be...Well you'll have two good guesses there. I also got a new drawing i've been working on and i already made a WIP post about it on my Conversations tab. I wanted to skip out on it to work on a chapter, but i was like "Fuck it. Imma do it for a bit", and it got a little motivating cuz it's about how i'd draw the the reader in my fanfics, which my favorites would be how this guy'll look in Renny's story, then maybe Etna's, Miu's and Shiki's, but they all have potential to have my favorite designs since i like to draw pretty experimentally. Chances are stacked against them if they lean heavily on being a slice-of-life MC...Well everyone except for the exclusive story i mentioned earlier. To wrap up, i also mentioned in a post how my internet's going to give out real soon as of writing this, but i can still continue doing fics (via phone) til the 19th rolls around and i have someone else's internet for a change. Ummm, i kinda check in on those guys that doing readthrus of my Lilac story here and there, but they haven't covered the last chapter for the longest, so they're lame af for that. OH YEAH, last and final thing, I've played and beaten FP2 a week after it came out. Not a fan of how it tells the story, but there're a few things i like about the story in it and i may be able to make those aspects shine when i do a continuation for the Lilac fanfic (that im certain everyone saw coming, but i got something pretty thrilling for it's beginning), which i may get around to after one of my 7 little-leaguer stories finish up. I'll talk about the many types of things that i wanna fuck at some other time, sooooo yeah. That's about it, you go ahead and read more of my massive walls of text down below now if you haven't.
The Busty Musketeer & Her Restoration Team! (Carrot x Male Reader)
FanfictionYou want to get with Carrot and do a list of things with her. Here's a story just for you! Get ready for a good ride as you get closer and defend this cute, sexy bunny!