// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪-𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 //

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hiraeth - part fifty-eight


       Y/n stared in horror at the sight before her, tears prickling at the edges of her eyes as her brain tried to process Goku's corpse lying cold on the ground before her. Rain poured down, soaking his pale skin, the face Y/n had once found beautiful now ghastly and grave. His cold, empty eyes stared back into hers as Y/n choked on a sob, Gohan holding Y/n in a side hug as his mind ran a mile a minute, trying to think of something that could be done. But it was already too late.

Goku was gone, murdered in the dead of the night.


Some days had passed since Goku revealed to Y/n about hiring Hit to assassinate him. There had been no signs of Hit around, and even when Goku was left all by himself, Hit never showed. Y/n had surmised that Hit rejected it, knowing Goku's strength and personality. But regardless of what she thought, she still had her worries.

"Don't go running off, Goku. You stay in bed all night, understood?" Y/n gave Goku a soft glare as she walked toward the hallway, preparing for bed. Goku collapsed on Bulma's couch, grabbing the warm blankets with a smile.

"Don't you worry about me! You go get your rest, I'm going to sleep," Goku said as he pulled the blankets over himself, laying down, the back of the couch blocking him from view. "Goodnight, Y/n, love ya!"

Y/n squinted her eyes at the couch, muttering her own goodnight as she hesitantly turned away. As she walked down the hall, Y/n repeatedly looked back, but Goku had not moved from his spot. After watching him a moment longer just to be certain, Y/n made her way to her own bedroom, Gohan already long asleep.

Outside her personal balcony, Y/n could hear the sound of raindrops softly hitting the ground, a rain storm slowly beginning to brew over West City. The cold winter air blew harshly, shaking the last of the fall leaves out of the trees, everything turning cold and pale. With the moon's light blotted out by the storm clouds, and the rain dimming the city lights, Y/n could hardly see where she was going, nearly tripping over Gohan as she got into her bed.

Curling up in her bed, Y/n let out a quiet sigh, listening to the rain outside as her thoughts wandered. She had been somewhat curious about it, but if Goku actually did die, Y/n wasn't sure he could be brought back. She did recall Gohan stating that there was a limit to how many times Shenron could revive someone, but she could not remember the exact amount. And Y/n was well aware that Goku had died a couple times before, but she was unsure if he had passed his reviving limit. If he truly did, and he did die, Y/n didn't know how she would continue to live.

Y/n owed a lot of her life to Goku. He had cared for her when she died to Vegeta so long ago, he had helped her hunt down the Dragon Balls, saved her life multiple times during that, and now they were bonded in soul and body. She couldn't imagine losing him. Y/n wouldn't know how to live anymore, she wouldn't know what to do with herself. It would forever feel as though she were missing a part of herself, she would never feel like herself ever again.

A flash of lightning shining through her window brought Y/n back to reality, the cool air on her face making her shiver. She ran her fingers over her cheeks, realizing that the thought of losing Goku had pushed her to tears, her cheeks soaked. Y/n sighed, wiping her eyes dry as she sat up, realizing she would get no rest like this.

Tip-toeing over Gohan's resting body, Y/n quietly made her way back into the living room, noticing quite a bit of time had already passed since saying her goodnights to Goku. Walking up to the couch he slept upon, Y/n smiled, knowing that no matter her fears, Goku would always be there.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now