☆ hammock❕woonmyungz 。

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pairing 。 woonmyungz

synopsis 。 the boys are staying at a vacation home during their break. while watching the sunset, jaehyun and woonhak end up falling asleep on the hammock in the backyard.

genre 。 fluff fluff More fluff ㅠㅠ

word count 。 0.6k!

warnings 。 too cute

ʚ ib ɞ / rq by 。 some promt generator 😝

author's note 。 woonmyungz heals the soul! also OMFG IM SORRY an upload two months later.. 😭

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IT WAS THEIR WEEK OFF, and the boys were allowed to stay in a vacation home for the week. there was a huge pool and a jacuzzi along with it in the backyard/balcony, 3 big bedrooms with two beds in each (perfect for the six of them), fancy bathrooms, a nice kitchen, a karaoke room, a spacious game room, and more.

jaehyun and woonhak were the most excited about the backyard— it had a gorgeous view of the city— and it had a hammock.

"woonhak-ah, let's lay in it later!" jaehyun excitedly suggested.

"both of us?" woonhak asked, a bit flabbergasted.


woonhak stared at him for a moment, nodding awkwardly with an enthusiastic manner after.

the boys went about their day leisurely— they sang some karaoke, cooked a big meal for the 6 of them, fooled around in the pool for a few hours, and suddenly, it was time for dinner.

the boys got dried off and dressed for dinner. they all decided to help in the kitchen, though there wasn't much things to do.

since everyone was occupying the tasks they had to do, jaehyun decided to go to the backyard balcony. the sun was setting, so of course he had to come out and see for himself.

he got reminded again that the balcony was there, so he looked behind him at woonhak who was already staring at him, gesturing him to come outside so they could finally use it.

jaehyun laid on it first, getting comfortable and putting his hands behind his head. there was a fifty-fifty chance of woonhak actually coming— and to jaehyun's surprise, he came.

"uh, where do i lay, hyung?" he asked, confused.

"next to me, duh!" jaehyun pat rhe spot next to him, trying to make some slight space for woonhak.

"pfft, hyung, will this even fit the both of us?" he laughed at him and jaehyun shrugged.

"i don't really know.. we'll make it work!"

woonhak sighed at the older, proceeding to try and lay down.

once he did so, he squirmed. "hyung, it's a little uncomfortable?"

"ah, it's okay, it's okay!" jaehyun reassured, putting his arm around his shoulder. "you'll get comfortable soon enough. look at the sunset though!" jaehyun pointed to the sun, which woonhak stuck his head up a little to see.

"wow~ how romantic!" woonhak spoke his trademark phrase.

while woonhak laughed in embarrassment, jaehyun laughed in disbelief, "wow, you really need to stop with that."

"sorry, i can't help it." woonhak joked again before snuggling up to jaehyun's shoulder.

some birds flew amongst the sky, a comfortable silence passed as they watched the sun and clouds— pink, orange, yellow and all— with the two of them giggling about the previous moments a few times.

"yah—" sungho came over a few minutes later when the sun was almost out of it's pink and orange hues, ready to yell at them— before he saw they were both fast asleep.

he snickered, running back inside to tell the members, as they all quickly came out to see.

"they're already asleep?" leehan scoffed in an endearing way.

and of course, taesan being taesan, took some shots on his phone as "blackmail" for later.

after a few seconds of them giggling at the two, sungho fondly looked at them, "well, we can't deny they're both cute."

"right," riwoo smiled, "now.. let's get back inside and finish making the food before they're sleeping out here all night."

they all agreed, and with that, they left the two to enjoy their sleep for a few minutes more.

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