☆ crying like a baby❕mulmyungz 。

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pairing 。 mulmyungz (leehan + jaehyun)

synopsis 。 after a hard day of being scolded, leehan walks into jaehyun's room only to find him crying.

genre 。 a little angst ? fluff, hurt/comfort

word count 。 1.3K

warnings 。 i love mulmyungz so much 😭🫶🏼, jaehyun is a big baby

ʚ ib ɞ / rq by 。 promt generator again LMAO

author's note 。 this isnt too proofread & it was around 11pm-12am all days i was writing this (+ as i'm publishing 🥲) so i'm sorry if this is kinda bad LMFAO but omg i ♡ mulmyungz sooo so bad don't even play with me rn 😞

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JAEHYUN CRIED A LOT, earning him the title that was 'boynextdoor's official crybaby'. though he was a bit ashamed by it since he was the leader of the group, he couldn't help it. he was too emotional. every. day.

and today was another one of those emotional days.

of course, everyone knows that being an idol means perfection. that was what jaehyun was always trying to be. he himself knew he wasn't though, and that made him mad. if he made a small mistake, he'd practice til he'd get it right. until even the dance instructor could see it.

since he was so relentless with trying to get it on point, the dance instructor started to become annoyed.

at first, it was an irritated, "hey, can you move on from that? it's fine."

but as jaehyun practiced on, the instructor started to become more irked by him. "don't you know how to listen? just accept that you can't get it right and can't dance well! nobody cares how you dance, you hear me?!"

jaehyun eventually nodded, still upset at how he got the move wrong, and even more upset now that another reality set in his brain.

nobody cares how you dance.

the thought repeated itself for the remainder of practice, so bad to the point where he was spacing out and got on the instructor's nerves.

eventually, he pulled jaehyun aside. "listen, you can't be doing this on stage. do you think people will pay attention to you down to every detail? no. no one cares about your dance that much. you can't even do that move that good. now stop trying to perfect it. do you hear me?!" jaehyun flinched at his raised voice in the last sentence, nodding right away.

the instructor heaved a heavy sigh, "that's it. enough practice for today, see you tomorrow." he walked out of the room, the loud slam echoing in their ears for a few seconds.

the boys never liked to make things awkward, so they started conversating right away while jaehyun could only look at himself sadly in the mirror.

"we're gonna stay back and practice a little more. you?" taesan gestured to jaehyun.

he thought for a moment and looked towards them, "i think i'll go home early today.." he held a disappointed look on his face as he went to go pick up his bag and leave.

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