Part 6

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Written: November 1 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Reader's Pov -

A little while later, me and Toby were playing some video games. Suddenly, a short, blonde, Link look-alike guy comes out through the TV screen.

"What the-" I jump up, "The hell?!" The Link look-alike guy speaks up, "Hmm? So this must be Y/n. The newest Creepypasta," I nod hesitantly. "Nice to meet you, I'm BEN." 'Holy shit- that's him?! He looks way different than they say in the stories-!' The Link look-alike, now known as BEN then turns to face Toby.

"Yo Toby! Slender needs ya in his office!" Toby groans in annoyance. "Whyyy-" *tic*

"Hell if I'd know! Slender never tells me anything! Just get your ass up there before you end up pissing him off!"

"Whatever, Link!" BEN looks at Toby angrily, about to beat the shit outta him. "D-don't compa-a-are me to-o Link-k!" BEN yells, as he starts glitching.

It was quite obvious that he hadn't liked the nickname that Toby gave him. "I'll just uhh... Go now.. see ya later Y/n!"

Toby yells as he runs up the stairs. Once Toby leaves, BEN stops glitching so much and calms himself down.

"Damn, he's annoying." BEN said, frustrated. "But- Toby's not annoying." BEN rolled his eyes, "So Toby finally got a girlfriend? Hmm? Such a shame, you're cute."

My face heated up in embarrassment, "I'm not Toby's girlfriend! I'm just his friend!"

"Mhm, mhm, whatever," he takes a step closer to me, "So, what do ya say? Wanna come with me? Get to know me better?"

"Um.. sure, I guess." BEN happily giggled, kinda like a child, "Great! Let's go!"

He begins walking up the stairs, I quickly follow behind him, trying not to lose him in this maze of a mansion.

Once we finally reach his room, he opens the door, letting me in first. He walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Let's play Minecraft!" BEN says happily, turning on his Xbox and grabbing two controllers. "Oh, alright."

BEN sits on his bed and pats the spot next to him, hinting for me to sit next to him. So I do.

A few hours later we hear someone yelling down the hall, suddenly the door is kicked open and a tall guy with jet black hair, pale skin, wide lidless eyes, a white blood stained hoodie and black jeans, and a wide cut smile, walks in the room.

"Get out, Jeff!" I look at BEN, kinda confused. "No! You took my last fucking soda, you damn elf reject!", Jeff reaches into his pocket, grabbing for something.

"Fuck o-off! Don't call m-me elf reject! And I can take whatever the h-hell I want!", BEN stands up, glitching a bit.

"Watch your mouth before I make you beautiful like me!", I laugh

"Pfft, you think you look beautiful?! Whoever told ya that must be great at lying! Cuz you look like the off brand joker that just smoked 16 pounds of crack!"

That comment seemed to have angered Jeff, "Man I'm disappointed, I thought the famous Jeff The Killer was supoosed to look cool and intimidating!"

Jeff suddenly froze, "Wait- you know me?" Jeff asks, confused.

"Yeah! If you didn't know, I'm a fan of Creepypasta! Though, I could barely recognize you, or BEN, so don't feel bad and get your panties in a bunch."

Jeff stands there, still confused about the whole situation, "So.. you're not scared of me?"

"Hell nah, why would I be?" I hear BEN giggle beside me.

"Because- I'm supposed to be scary! People always scream, run away, and beg for their lives!"

BEN cuts in, "Dude, she literally just called your ugly ass out, I don't think she's even slightly intimidated by you! Wow! That's great!"

BEN wipes away a fake tear and ends up getting some of the never ending flow of blood, from his eyes, on his hand.

"Damnit, I always forget about that.." BEN licks the blood off of his hand and looks back over to Jeff, who seemed to be absolutely fuming.

"Just shut the fuck up!", Jeff storms out of the room.

"Wow, dramatic much? Pfft..", I mutter.

"Hah! You're the first person to call him something like that! Usually he scares the shit outta new people!"

"Oh really? Am I supposed to be proud of myself or feel cool for not being scared of that ugly looking little shit?"

"Damn, you're mean."

"How? I'm just stating the truth, can't handle that?"

"No no, it's not that-"

"Okay then, well, I'm gonna go downstairs to get a drink. Buh-byeee!"

I jump up and skip out of the room and down the hallway, then I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to see a familiar but also unfamiliar face.

It was Clockwork! She was one of the many that actually looked like her character from the Creepypasta fandom!

"Oh my god- Clockwork?"

"That's me, but, how do you know me?", I look at her, my [E/c] eyes filled with amazement, 'Clockwork is so pretty!'

"I'm a fan of you and the Creepypasta fandom! And you look even cooler than the character from the fandom!"

She stares at me in confusion for a moment, but then shakes her head, "Cool, thanks, well nice to meet ya, Y/n."

"Nice to meet you too- wait, how do you know my-"

"Slender told everyone about you, so nobody tries to kill you."

"Ohhh, makes sense."

Clockwork nods and says, "So, why'd you exactly become one of us?"

"Umm.. well, it's actually quite simple, life sucked outside of killing."

"No no no, I already know and understand that, I love killing too. But.. what's your backstory?"

"Ohh, well.. now that's kinda hard to explain, it's not a short story though, to say the least. But umm.. life before this was fucked up," I look down at the floor.

"My mum is a prostitute, she doesn't care about me or my well-being, she even tries to sell me to people for more money. My dad, he died in a car crash when my mum was driving us home, she was drunk. Luckily, I survived and only had some minor injuries. After that, life went to shit.."

I look back up from the floor, my eyes meeting with her right one. "Damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that.."

"Ehh, it's fine, it's all over with.. well, not really.. I still have to kill my mum. Then my entire past will be gone!" I say happily.

"Well, good luck killing your mom, I'm just warning you, don't let the guilt take over, it's hard making your first kill unless it's out of pure rage and you're acting on her actions;"

"It also may hurt coming to the realization that you're gonna be killing your closest family member."

"Thanks, though I know it'll be easy to kill her.. I hate her.."

Though I said the words out loud, I knew it was a lie. My mum had been the closest person to me. It'll be hard to kill her.

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