Chapter 18: Fishing for Approval

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🎣Fishing for Approval🎣


My mind just got home—a bit later than when my body went home. I haven't left this province since forever. The first time I stepped foot outside a hundred kilometers away was when I was in elementary, so the thought of leaving for a week gave me tingles and shiver up my spine.

I'm not scared of far travels nor scared of being homesick. It's just something so new to me. But I LOVE new things so be it—I'm going to see the view of the new world I'll be discovering on the altitudes of Baguio.

I waited at my house, reading the rest of the chapters I left behind from a book. I waited for my parents to come home from work. As usual, my mother works in an architectural firm and my father is a chef de cuisine in his restaurant. They both go home around nine to ten depending on the day: ten on weekends and nine for weekdays for my dad, can be later if he wanted after closing, and my mom would come home around ten, always, when she isn't working at home, making paperworks. Luckily, there aren't any thieves invading the house while I'm alone...yet.

My dad arrived first in front of the gate. He dumped a noise outside, signaling me to come and open the gates for him. I walked toward the gate and keyed off the locks and pushed it back once the car is parked. Dad walked out of the car with something on his hand. He reached for me with a beam, it looked like behind those smiles is a full day of exhaustion.

"We have updates...on the menu," he storied while locking the car, "before that I thought what if we had a french version of stir-fried vegetable suey, and I was like-" he made some funny expressions, "I mixed tartare with chopped suey, I don't know what came to my mind- but! But, once I tasted it, it was as if I discovered Jupiter."

"In this bag," he continuously reached for me with one hand holding a paper bag, "there is a masterpiece. Actually, the whole restaurant laughed at me first but then they got a taste. They can't not taste it because I'm the boss and I was like—yes, eat them." He told enthusiastically. I smiled along, fake smile didn't show off rather sincere. Dad always tease his crews and the other chefs and always tells them to me.

"Okay, I'll eat it later" I complied.

"Don't just eat it, but taste it, feel it, and cook it." I nodded and helped bring some of his things to the house.

My mother came at exactly eleven, almost midnight. Dad said that we should wait for mom to come home before eating. Even though I suggested to start eating a while ago because dinner isn't supposed to be this late. Nonetheless, I couldn't disagree because I'd love to eat together too.

We were eating at the dining table. Even though we were just three in the house, the atmosphere never came down from lively.

"This is a stir-friend vegetable tartare suey—it's not raw, although tartare is supposed to be raw salmon," dad conversed.

"That's an X factor! Who would actually eat that," mom bleated in disgust. "Glad you cooked it."

"I cooked it because raw is a delicate food, maggots would grow if I paper bagged it and then drive half an hour in a room temperature."

"Dad! We're eating y'know..." I exclaimed, my brows met, acting disgusted with such an expression. But something made me laugh a little bit.

"You both are so~ dramatic. It's just like sushi! You've eaten sushi, right, Helio?" I shook my head as a reply. "During our trip when you're in elementary?"

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