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Jennie P.O.V
I was peacefully sleeping on my bed comfortably when I heard my phone ringing I ignored it,and I heard my phone ring again I lazily took the phone and kept it on my ear
"Hello" I said
" YAAH! JENNIE KIM ARE YOU STILL SlEEPING?!!" I heard the shoutings from other side
" Yaaah! LALISA why are you shouting!!!!"
" Did you forgot what's today?!"she asked
Then I started thinking what did I forget and suddenly I remembered
"Oh shit!!"
" Yahh! Why are you so lazy you need to do a presentation if you are late I am sure you will be a dead meat in the hands of our boss!!"she said speedily in one breath
"Thanks Lisa for waking me up Bye!"I said and cut the call speedily
I started doing my morning routine and wore this

VI was peacefully sleeping on my bed comfortably when I heard my phone ringing I ignored it,and I heard my phone ring again I lazily took the phone and kept it on my ear"Hello" I said" YAAH! JENNIE KIM ARE YOU STILL SlEEPING?!!" I heard the shouti...

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I quickly locked my house and went towards my car and drove to company
As soon as I got there I saw Lisa and rosé worridly waiting for me in the boss cabinet through the glass door.
I slowly entered into the cabinet and saw the devil aka Kai he is our boss and so short tempered he want everything to be perfect when I entered in the room
He looked at me and said,
"Well miss Jennie Kim start your explanation"
"Boss I-I got into a accident while coming here" I said looking at him everyone gasped and he looked at me for more explanation
"Boss while coming here an old lady came in the middle of road I almost hit her but luckily we both escaped from the accident and I dropped her at her Destination and a came here ,so it became late.I am sorry" I said looking down since I was scared that he might find I am lying,soon I heard him saying
"It's ok miss Jennie there is no need to apologise today you are lucky cause the client already agreed for the project and said there is no need for presentation,but still show me the presentation " he said
I explained to him the presentation and he was so happy I felt relieved
When I came out of the room
" Unnie! Did you really get into an accident?" Rosie  asked looking worridly at me
" It is all fake you dumbass" I said while laughing
" you are so good at making up stories" Lisa said while laughing
"Yeah I know" I said proudly
"Well unnie we want a treat from you today since you luckily escaped from the trouble"Rosie said looking at me
"Yeah unnie you should give us a treat for covering you up infront of boss" she said with pleading eyes
"Well okay! Let's go to cafeteria"
They all together while taking and laughing went to the cafeteria

Guys this is my first writing ever hope you guys like it! Taehyung character will start from next chapter& you guys can share any problem you have in my story!

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