Chapter 12

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I was kind of suprised seeing her challenge me.So I texted her

"Challenge accepted Baby"

"Try me" & then she texted me &  went offline.

She is a intresting girl I want to know her more
& more.She is driving me crazy!!!

Jennie P.O.V
After I texted him to 'try me' I felt so shy & went offline.
He is making me feel someting different & new in every move he makes.But wait I got to know more about him.

Then i started searching in  internet,i also called Lisa & i said everything to her & investigated more about taehyung. I understood one thing after this all research about him 1.He is kind but doesn't want to show it,2.He is ruthless to only the people who do wrong things,3. He is always hiding his feelings with the cover of cold face & 4.I got to know he doesnt give any shit to girls whoever try to come near him,'Then why? Why does he want me? '

I kept thinking about these things & fell asleep.Soon acter I woke up with a phone call from Lisa as usual.I picked up the call

"What?" I asked her lazily

"Unnie why are you such a sleepy head? We decided to go to shopping did you forget ?!" She asked me with annoyed tone, i looked at the time it was 5:15.I was relieved

"Its still 5:15 lisayaah"

"Ik unnie & i also know you will forget so I called to remind you" she said in her proud tone in return earning my chuckle

" You are so intelligent Lili,i will get ready now Bye see u at mall as usual"

"K unnie! See ya!" I cutted the call

After ending the call I lazily woke up from my bed & went to take a shower.After the shower I wore a normal outfit with light makeup

After the shower I wore a normal outfit with light makeup

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( she wore this outfit)

I looked at myself once again in the mirror before living.I went to my car & drove off to the mall.As soon as I parked the car & entered the mall I saw Rosie& Lisa waiting for me.I waved at them as soon as I saw them ,i went to them & hugged them

" Unnie! when will you let us meet our brother in law"
Rosie  asked me while laughing

" What the hell Rosie !! I will kill you if you bring the topic about him!" I said while glaring at her

"Well if you even hate to hear about him then why did you challenge him to win you?" She asked me while wiggling her eyebrows.Idk why but I felt shy

"Oh !! Unnie you are blushing" she said while laughing

"Fine! Shut up I am just getting to know more about him" i said while looking away from them

"Unnie don't forget us after falling for him" Lisa said with her teasing tone

"We not even met after that night guys stop taking things so far" i said while trying to hide my blush

"Ok ok" they said dramatically controlling their laugh

After the talk they started walking towards the shopping section first Lisa shoped at Celine,then rosé shoped at Saint Laurent & lastly it was Jennie turn to shop she went to Chanel cause she loves it so bad.
As soon as they entered into the room Jennie ran to the clothes & started picking dresses just then she saw some three guys with full blackoutfit & blackmasks entering into the shop.

But the middle one caught her attention she felt like she saw him before somewhere but she just ignored the thought & started checking out the dresses.She picked two party dresses one was red & one was blue they are same model dresses but with different colours while she was thinking what to pick .She then heard a voice from behing saying.
."Red looks so good on you BABY"


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