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We were putting on our clothes and I felt like taking her right there again, Sophia is all I want at this moment andI didn’t care if we were in the office or being watched by a thousand multitudes. I wanted all of her and she looked at me with that same longing.

I pulled Sophia into a sweet, lingering kiss, savoring the moment. Just as we were about to part, I felt a strange shift in the atmosphere. Sophia's curious eyes turned towards the door, and my gaze followed hers.

There stood a woman, looking bewildered and catching us in the act. My heart sank as I recognized her – Catherine, my ex-wife. The timing couldn't have been worse.

Sophia asked the inevitable question, "Who is she?"

I sighed, reluctantly releasing Sophia. "Catherine. My ex-wife."

Catherine's surprise quickly turned into a smirk, and my blood started to boil. Sophia, sensing the tension, stepped back, giving us some space.

I turned to Catherine, my tone sharp, "What are you doing here?"

She played innocent, "Oh, just came to see Lynda. And you know, since you never pick up my calls anymore, I thought I'd drop by."

Anger surged within me. I gestured for Sophia to go, and she left reluctantly, shooting me a concerned glance.

I turned back to Catherine, my jaw clenched. "This is not the time or place, Catherine."

She chuckled, clearly enjoying the discomfort she'd caused. "Why? Afraid your little girlfriend will find out about your messy past?"

I took a deep breath, attempting to keep my composure. "We're done, Catherine. There's no reason for you to show up like this."

She smirked, unfazed by my stern words. "Done? Henry, you can't just erase our history."

I crossed my arms, frustration bubbling up. "History is where it belongs – in the past. We've moved on, or at least, I have."

She took a step closer, her eyes challenging. "Have you really? Seems like you've replaced me pretty quickly."

I shook my head, my patience wearing thin. "This is not the place to discuss this, Catherine. We're not together anymore, and I owe you no explanations."

Her tone turned bitter. "You owe me nothing? After all those years? Don't you think I deserve closure?"

I snapped, "Closure? You had your chance for closure when we got divorced. Now, please, leave."

She glared at me, the tension thick in the air. "You can't just hide from your past, Henry."

I took a step towards her, my voice firm. "I'm not hiding. I've moved on, and I suggest you do the same."

Catherine's words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and I felt the weight of her accusations pressing down on me.

"It took a while for my head to piece together, but isn't that Sophia, the daughter of your best friend Collins?" she remarked, her tone a mix of accusation and curiosity.

I shot back, "That's none of your business, Catherine."

She raised an eyebrow, her eyes calculating. "Oh, but it is. Collins doesn't know, does he?"

I clenchyed my jaw, refusing to let her pry into my personal life. "That's between Sophia, Collins, and me."

Catherine smirked, reveling in the discomfort she was causing. "Lonely, Henry? Is that how desperate you've become, dating a girl almost half your age?"

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