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The soft hum of the plane's engines quieted as we touched down on the French soil. Excitement bubbled within me as I looked out the window, taking in the picturesque landscape that unfolded like a canvas painted with the hues of France.

As Henry and I stepped off the plane, the crisp French air greeted us, carrying the promise of a weekend filled with adventure and romance. The vacation house awaited, a charming abode nestled in the heart of the French countryside.

Henry shot me a playful grin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Bienvenue en France, Sophia!"

I chuckled. "Merci, Monsieur Henry. Now, let's go and conquer this weekend."

Our luggage in tow, we ventured towards the waiting car, the driver giving us a warm welcome in impeccable French. Henry nudged me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Did I mention I'm fluent in French?"

I rolled my eyes with a smirk. "Oh, please. Fluent in ordering croissants maybe."

He laughed, the sound echoing in the crisp air. "Hey, croissants are essential. A language I've mastered."

We settled into the car, and as we traversed the scenic roads, Henry outlined our grand plans for the weekend. "First stop, the Eiffel Tower. We'll do the classic tourist thing, take cheesy pictures, and maybe recreate that scene from 'Before Sunset.'"

I grinned, playing along. "Sounds like a plan. But only if you promise not to propose at the top."

Henry feigned offense. "What? You don't want to say 'yes' with the entire Paris as our witness?"

I giggled. "Let's keep the proposal for a more intimate setting, shall we?"

Our banter continued a delightful exchange that painted our journey with laughter. The vacation house, an enchanting cottage with a garden straight out of a fairytale, welcomed us with open arms.

Once settled, room service was promptly ordered. As we waited for our feast to arrive, we stood on the balcony, overlooking the lush French landscape. Henry pulled me into his arms, his warmth a comforting embrace.

"Can you believe we're here?" I sighed contentedly.

Henry pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Believe it, Sophia. This weekend is ours."

With room service spread before us, we indulged in a culinary journey through French delicacies. Each bite was a celebration, and as we savored the flavors, we planned our itinerary for the days ahead.

"Versailles tomorrow?" Henry suggested, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

I nodded, sipping on my wine. "Absolutely. And the Louvre on Sunday?"

"Definitely. But no getting lost in the Mona Lisa crowd, okay? I won't be able to find you."

I grinned. "Deal. I'll wear a bright hat or something."

"You're going to need more than 'Bonjour' and 'Merci' here," he teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I've got Duolingo on standby. I'll charm everyone with my broken French."

"Henry," I began with a teasing glint in my eye, "are you sure you're ready for the full Sophia travel experience? We might end up on a secret quest for the best macarons in Paris."

He chuckled, "I'm up for the challenge. Lead the way, my intrepid explorer."


The Eiffel Tower loomed above us, a majestic iron giant stretching towards the heavens. Henry and I stood there, staring up in awe like a couple of starry-eyed tourists. Well, I suppose we were, but that's beside the point.

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