Alpheus remember everything to himself...

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After this hug with Grace. In the middle of the night Alpheus is the bridge and he sit the pilot chair but he remember something else about himself.. But for his father is another thing but his father is d3ad and he miss him but who know he probably couldn't live long his father maybe he can understand something though or maybe not...  Then Alpheus sighs for something else, maybe for his father. He's alone without his father, he was a good father for Alpheus and his father promised when he won't leave him alone but now... He's without him... So, meanwhile Alpheus though something with his father, that it's not his fault. Meanwhile Will look at him with sadness without his father

"Alpheus. If you asked me for your father... He was good with us. I know him and he was my friend when I was young"


"Yes. Your father, Arthur and me was good friends and I miss him too and I know him for this map. I think that it was map but it's a map and papyrus showing your family"

Will said to Alpheus

"Yes, I believe it now"

Alpheus said and Will look at him with weird

"What's happened?"

Will asked Alpheus

"Nothing. Why?.."

Alpheus asked Will

"Oh, now I understand. I lost my biological father..."

"I know how upset you are. You are very upset and afraid for yourself and your father. And your family..Look, Alpheus. I too had lost my parents but then found them with my family. But I think that you lost your father when you was young but..."

"I know. My father is gone. So, what they will do to my family at some point though. They will pay dearly for what they did to my brother, Evan!"

Alpheus said and Will is shocked for this because Alpheus said that they'll pay dearly for what they did to his brother and Will is worried for something but Alpheus takes deep breath

"Who is he?"

Will asked Alpheus and Alpheus shocked for this but he sighs

"He is... Was my brother... And he's died! And I lost my brother as my father. And whoever did this will pay for what they did to my brother!"

Alpheus said and then Alpheus takes deep breaths for this thing but he's worried for himself. But Will is worried for his Alpheus's father. But he doesn't know about himself, Alpheus need to calm himself for something else. Meanwhile Alpheus though something for his father but what? Maybe he's not fine for anything else and he went to his submarine, if it's his submarine here or... He doesn't know... Will look at him in the door and Will was a little weird for where he going?

"Where are you going?"

Will asked Alpheus and Alpheus sighs

"My ship.. I hope to I don't bother you..."

Alpheus said and then he sighs

"Good night..."

Alpheus said and he leave from there and Will was worried for himself and then Will sighs

"Ok, as you wish, Alpheus. Good night"

Will said and Alpheus listen Will and then Alpheus leave from there and he went to his submarine in 1:45 a.m it was the middle of the night and then the middle of the night at 1:50am. Alpheus realized that Will had one for his father.  She knew him but didn't ask why. And then he sighed to himself, meanwhile Alpheus sighs for himself but he'll find an idea for himself...

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