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Hey I'll call you through
Insta okay?


Okay so when do you wanna start?

When are you available?

For you,I'm available
anytime my darling



Sim Jaehyun,you really
gotta chill man

Anyway when are you
available again?

Um from about an hour
from now?


See ya


Suyeon kept her phone aside on her table and closed her eyes for a brief moment,taking in a deep breath to calm her racing heart beating inside her rib cage loudly.

"C'mon Suyeon,calm down...it's just a simple tutoring sesh with him..." She told herself in a whisper before getting ready.

⟵ ꨄ︎ ⟶



So um...Are you like...

Am I like...?

You done with your work?


Yeah yeah,I'll call you now

I was waiting till you call :D

I was waiting till you texted :3




Take the call when your ready dang it

Sheesh okay mate

Lemme just check myself in the mirror once more

Gotta look pretty for my gal

'My gal?' Suyeon thought to herself with a tight smile.

Yeah yeah dream all you want pretty boi


You called me pretty huh



Jake Sim...

I need to get on with Math ASAP


Calling you now!!

Suyeon let out a sigh as she waited for the call from him, and after a few seconds,the screen flashed with the caller in a video chat, and another smile arose on her face. She quickly cleared her throat and accepted it. A few short seconds later, her eyes captured the face she had been fawning over for a while. An unbearable smile came back to her face when the latter smiled at her.

"Uh.. hi..." Jake said breifly,adjusting his camera at a better angle.

"Um Hi..." Suyeon said, nodding her head,the smile still visible on her face.

"So...how are you doing?"

"Um good, I guess. What about you?"

Jake flashed a smile before responding, "Honestly,I think my day got better after seeing you." He ended it with a quick wink, earning a shocked expression from the girl. He chuckled at her reaction, thinking it was cute of her.

"Ehem...well um... Let's get back to what we are supposed to talk about. She said she was trying to ignore her beating heart and turned her textbook to where she needed help.

"Sure," he replied, nodding.

⟵ ꨄ︎ ⟶

"Did you understand?" He asked, turning back to the camera after wiping the whiteboard clean before sitting down on his seat. Suyeon was surprised when Jake even went out of his way to get a whiteboard just to explain her math.

Throughout the whole two hours,they went through many lessons that Suyeon was unable to understand. She was hesitant at first to say that she didn't understand a lot of the lessons she was taught at school,but when she did voice out her concerns,he didn't judge her or say anything that would leave her embarrassed. Instead, he went through it a couple of times until she understood it properly.

"Uh yep! Thank you so much, Jake, for taking the time to teach me all this. I'm really grateful. Is there anything I could do to repay you for this help?" She asked, closing her book and organizing her stuff.

"Repay you back." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I didn't do this,expecting you'd do something in return, Su."

"I know,but still, I think you should get something for being such a big help to me."

"Well, I think not... Besides, your presence here is enough for me," he said with a content smile on his face.

"Wow, you really won't stop with the flirting, huh?"

"Not anytime soon, sweetheart~" He said it with a wink, which she playfully rolled her eyes at.

"So um... If that's it for today, I'll be going then. Talk to you later, Jake... Take care!" Suyeon bid farewell with a wave of her hand.

"Oh um...okay. You too, and OH- I'll send you a worksheet that you have to complete before this Friday," Jake reminded her.

"What No~" She whined, hating the idea of more math work. "Hey, it's for your own good, Su besides I'll give you some easy ones at first. So you can catch up with the basics, okay?"

Suyeon huffed a breath. "Okay, thank you again. Bye!"

"Bye..." He waved,waiting for her to end the call, and once she did,he himself let out a satisfied sigh. He was relaxing on his chair while running his hand through his blonde locks. His mind was occupied with thoughts of Suyeon, immediately bringing up a smile on his face.

"She's so cute..." he said to himself, staring at the cell.

"And you're in charge of the chores today, Aussie." His roommate said he was coming out of his room, which he had been in for the last two hours because of the study session his friend was conducting.

"Oh c'mon mate seriously?" Jake abruptly got up from his seat at the sudden responsibility he was given.


Written: 11.06.23

I don't KNAUR if anyone's even here but here ya go :D
Got back my writing inspiration after  a motivation speech ;-;

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