Chapter XI

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"Werewolves!" He yelled.

"Er yeah" I said chewing on my talon like nails.

"You know they will kill you one day" He said.

"If they were going to, they would already" I replied. "Now shall we dine?" I quizzed him, as I tilted a young mans neck to the side and Kieran picked up his wrist, we both sunk our fangs into their soft flesh, and extracted their crimson life stream. It was sweet and filled with youth, the images of his life kept flashing into our minds as we fed, his heartbeat had stopped along time ago but his blood was so tasty we couldn't help ourselves.

"Destroy the evidence" I told him, as I finally wrenched my fangs free from their flesh. "I need to get back before Annie begins to worry, as I am usually back by now" I said. But before I knew what was happening Kieran had pinned me to the wall by my hands holding them above my head, and began to bite into my neck, and then bit his wrist forcing me to drink from it, but I spat his blood on the floor. "I've blood bonded with Mitchell and there is nothing you can do to break us apart" I snarled, barging past him and then walked back to the house, trying to hold it together and trying to wipe the blood from my lips.

I reached the house and walked in, running straight past Annie. "Annalisa are you okay?" She asked.

I ran into the bathroom washing the blood from my face, and then changing my clothes before walking down the stairs, and then I took them outside where I burned them, I then walked into the kitchen making myself a drink. "Annalisa what happened?" She demanded.

"Kieran tried to bond with me" I answered.

"What?" She asked.

"You don't understand do you?" I quizzed her.

"No" She admitted.

So I turned around and leant my hands back on the counter supporting my back. "Once Mitchell and I bonded it was almost as if though we mated for life" I explained. She nodded. We then headed into the living room where the wound on my neck healed. "What time is Mitchell home?" I asked.

"3 o'clock" Annie answered.

"I need some rest as I didn't get any last night, if Mitchell comes home send him upstairs as I will need to talk to him" I told her.

"Okay" She said, then I walked upstairs and laid on the bed, where I unleashed my reservoir of tears. All this time I thought I could trust Kieran but I just learnt I cant, he was only close to me so he could bond with me and split me and Mitchell up, I soon fell asleep on a tear covered pillow, and I didn't wake up again till I felt a cold hand resting on my back. "Mitchell?" I yawned.

"Yes" He answered, I sat up and hugged him, he was confused but rested his hands around my waist. "What's wrong, as Annie said you came home upset and that something happened with Kieran?" He said.

"Kieran tried to bond with me, he tried to break what we have" I sobbed into his chest

"I will always protect you, and I wont let anything stand in your way, I will defeat it for you" He said to me kissing my head. "You have nothing to be afraid of while I am around" He reassured me.

"Thanks Mitchell" I said to him. He suddenly got up and then began to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" I pined.

"Well you seriously don't think I am going to allow him to get away with this do you?" He laughed joining me on the bed again, he stroked my hair behind my ear. "He did something unforgiveable in vampire standards, but if it was a human it wouldn't really bother me as much" He said kissing my head and then leaving me. I dreaded what he was going to do, so while he left I quietly followed him, stalking the streets and keeping as close to the wall as I could, he took me down to the subway and I saw Kieran was walking along the subway path but Mitchell grabbed him by the collar of his coat.

"How dare you try to bond with my mate!" he growled pushing him up against.

"Mitchell I am sorry I had no idea" He said, but I knew he was lying through his fangs as he knew Mitchell and I were together the day I came to retrieve the weapons, but before I knew what happened Mitchell tore his Kieran's head off, he reached into the gaping wound and pulled his heart out, then threw his body onto the track an kicked his head into a passing window of a train shattering it, then he dug his fangs into Kieran's heart!

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