chapter 13

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Joe's POV

It's been 2 hours now. Louise and Zoe were still crying but I was just staring at the ceiling. A nurse came and said she was out of surgery and we could see her. We walked through the door to see her sleeping. I sat beside her and held her hand. The doctor came In the room and said "I am sorry but she is in a coma." Louise started crying hysterically. I stared at Roxy and squeeze her hand. She looked so peaceful.

2 weeks later

She still hasn't woke up yet. I haven't left the room at all apart from when I need the toilet and a shower. I haven't eaten at all. I felt something squeeze my hand I looked up but she wasn't awake. Her hand was moving o told the doctors but they said it was my imagination. When will this nightmare end.

Sorry it short

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