Hell is Where the Heart is

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T/W murder

Discontinued Chapter

The murder was on the news just like the last one. It's not that he didn't expect it- he knew it'd be found and reported, making headlines all around. What he didn't expect was the entirely different identity they'd given the man. Charles knew it was Henry. He'd killed Henry. Why have they changed his name? It's just like what happened last time- but- argh!

Charles slammed his fist onto the dining table, his watery eyes stinging and his mind racing. He clenched his teeth, helplessly listening to the hushed voices swirling around in his head. He's killed him twice now, why does he keep coming back? What kind of sickening torture is this?

"I will kill you as many times as I have to, Henry." He growled, his eye twitching.

The whispering was deafening.


Her agonizing cries were forced down into nothing more than incomprehensible blubbering as Charles twisted the knife shoved into her stomach and yanked it out. He watched her- Henry, fall to the snow-covered ground, coughing and wheezing, chocking on his own blood until his eyes rolled back and his body gave way.

Charles watched stoically as Henry's breathing came to a halt and his body stopped spasming. He knew it wasn't really Henry, yet watching a lookalike die to his hands brought some relief. He closed his eyes, focusing on the subdued voices momentarily. A sudden scream startled him out of his trance; he turned around hastily to face the source of the outburst.

"What have you done- you monster!" The lady shrieked, covering her mouth in disbelief and horror.

Charles observed her with uninterested, half-lidded eyes. His gaze shifted down to the bloodied body then back to the almost hysterical woman. It's strange to think that this is who he has become. A pilot once so full of life, a laid-back guy with a heart as pure as light, now remolded into a delirious psychopath with a sick addiction- a sick desire to kill his ex-best friend. Oh how he'd love to watch the fear settle into the thief's pretty blue eyes, watch as his face twisted in pain- listen to his shaky breaths sputter and fade. The rancid stench of blood clouded his senses, bringing his attention back to the current situation. Charles raised the knife, lazily pointing it at the mortified lady. It was only a small action, yet strong enough to get the witness to pivot and scurry back the way she came from, sobbing all the while.

He'd get caught for this murder. The lady had clearly recognized who he was; she'd report it and that'd be the end of Charles' killing spree. Except, he wouldn't let that happen- not yet, anyway. He knew what he had to do, and if he wanted to guarantee he'd get it done with no problems, he had to leave now before the police got on his trail. It was around midnight- the ideal time to carry out his greatest plan yet. Taking a deep breath, Charles grinned toothily and took off down the road, trampling in the slushy-snow without a care. He sprinted fast, all that army training he'd undergone proving useful.

"I'll see you soon, Henry." He promised as he continued towards the government base.


It didn't take him long to get there- twenty minutes, maybe? He leaned forwards with his hands on his knees, panting slightly. The Government Base's gates were locked, and no doubt there would be soldiers on patrol. The ex-pilot surveyed the area, eyes wildly darting around for both threats and something useful. It didn't seem like there was anyone patrolling nearby; they must all be inside. On the bright side, he will have little trouble breaking in- navigating his way through the base however will be tricky. He hummed, closing his eyes and beginning to scheme.

He had four ideas. He could disguise himself as one of the soldiers- he's already wearing the government uniform. All he'd have to do would be to get rid of his headphones and keep his head down. No, too risky. What if someone approached and questioned him? He wouldn't be able to answer- besides, they'd instantly recognize his voice.

His second idea involved stealth. He could easily cut through the chain fence with his knife- then once inside, he would sneak through the base, hiding within the shadows and behind objects until he got to where he needed to be. The only problem is, Charles wasn't known for being stealthy. He was quite bold.

His third plan was probably the best option- create a diversion. He had a box of matches stuffed within his pockets- you never know when you'll need them, and now seems like the perfect opportunity to utilize them. He spared a glance towards the wooden crates he had spotted earlier while scanning the area. If he starts a fire and hides somewhere, that will surely gain the attention of nearby soldiers. When they open the gate to investigate, Charles could run past them and make his way through the base. It was dangerous but perhaps his best chance.

His fourth idea was out of the question. Saunter into the base as Charles and declare Galeforce had asked to see him? No way. They'd most likely shoot him before he got the chance to speak or escort him to the general themselves which would ruin everything.

So it seemed option three was his best bet.



-Charles knows what to do. He sneaks into the government base at night and takes his helicopter for a one way trip to canada

-He arrives at the base where Henry is situated

-He hunts him down and is completely insane (sputtering things like teeth necklace)

-Henry desperately fighting for his life and trying to tell Charles to stop

-Henry manages to force the knife into Charles' chest

-Charles rips out the knife and plunges it into Henry's chest

-They're both dying, and Charles starts to realise everything that he's done

The above notes were left for me so I could use them to write the ending. You're more than welcome to use them if you'd like to.

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