Chapter 23 ~{ Against All ODDS }~

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Court Date Part o1
(A/N): I Don't Know What Goes On In Court But I'll Try So Just Bear With A Yunqin'. This Chapter Also Maybe A Little Boring.)

* Chresanto's P. O. V.

I watched as Jacob got dressed in his suit with eyes full of tears. He's been shaking and trembling all morning. "Jacob , baby?" I said while walking up to him grabbing his waist from behind. He looked at me through the mirror and quickly wiped his tears and gave a weak smile. "You don't gotta' pretend you're not scared baby , I'm scared hell even terrified of loosing my kids but baby I don't like to see you all worked up, okay? Just calm down and give big daddy some suga'. He turned in my arms and gave me an amazing kiss. "Keep kissing me like that, that ass gon' be mines. I smiled leaving him in the bathroom and making my way down to Crissy's room.

We've decided that she was smart enough to know what's going on so we told her. Every since then she's been sad. I peeked in her room and the sight damnn near killed me. "Crissy!" She looked up and right back down. "Yes?" I shook my head. "Why'd you pack up your stuff." She started crying even harder. "Because daddy. What if she take us away from you. So I just getting me and Blazin' ready." I shocked at her response. "Nobody's taking you or your sister away from me understand? Be positive and pray that we make it through this Boobie. I love babygirl." I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her forehead. I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep my kids.

I walked downstairs and seen everybody that's going with us. I smiled at everyone and they smiled back. Jacob came downstairs with Blazin' on his hip and holding Crissy's hand. We made our way to the truck and everyone got in. The car ride was filled with sobs from Jacob and I. Everyone tried to calm us down but it didn't work. We pulled up at the court and got out. We all walked in slowly. Ray, Saiige, Mama T, and Jacob's grandparents took a seat with the kids.

"Goodmorning everyone ,I'm Judge Lane. Let's get going. Plaintiff and Defendant to the stands." Me and Jacob walked to our stand. I looked over to my left to see this black bitch smiling like she ain't doing any fucking the wrong. "State your names." The judge said. "Constance August.". "Jacob Perez.". "Chresanto August." She smiled at me and Jacob. Jacob grabbed my hand and sly smiled. "State the claim plaintiff." Connie chuckled. "Well I'm here because I want custody of my daughter Crissy A'Milaa August and my granddaughter Chyriee Blazin August."

The judge nodded. "What's the reason you want them out of the home?" Connie sighed. "Because I want the kids to be raised in a regular home with heterosexual not homosexual. I feel as if that them being raised up in a home like that will cause damage in the future." The judge chuckled. "So you here because you don't want kids growing up with people who lives thier life a little different? I call a break."

Against All ODDS ~{Book II}~Where stories live. Discover now