letter two

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"to new friends"

— LETTER TWO —written by persephone sellar at sea sellar cottage age 11

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written by persephone sellar
at sea sellar cottage
age 11


Oh my! Poor Winslow, that poor bird cannot catch an inch of luck. Just two months ago he flew head first into a giant venomous tentacula plant luckily for him just days before that he rolled himself in bitter root sap so the tentacula found him quite disgusting and spat him out. Please thank your mother for tending to him, while quite clumsy I do love him a lot and he's arrived back home safely.

I'll forgive you for invading the privacy of my letter to my mum, I assume if a random bird had fallen into my yard with a mysterious letter I too would let curiosity get the best of me. So you're dearly forgiven sweet stranger.

You've just finished your first year as well? How lovely. Did you enjoy your time? I did and am excited for what year two will bring. Will you be trying out for your houses Quidditch team? I'm afraid I'm not too good of a flyer though my uncle has tried many times to teach me. I like my feet on the ground.

I'm in hufflepuff which came as a bit of a surprise to my family as most of my relatives were placed in Gryffindor. I rather enjoy Hufflepuff though the common room is very cozy which I'll be honest makes it a bit hard to get up for classes in the morning. As for my name, Peri, that's simply a nickname my family uses for me. Friends call me by a different name but I wont tell you who I am unless you do stranger. It's only fair seeing as you've invaded my original letter.

Yes my uncle is an inventor he specializes in potions which means the cottage is always filled with random explosions and colored smoke and very odd smells. But he's passionate about it which I find very endearing. What do you like to invent?

I hope you don't mind me writing you back, I find this little mystery quite intriguing and would love to hear back from you.

Love always and forever,

written by george weasley
at the burrow
age 11


I cant believe you actually wrote me back always good to hear from a stranger at least I think? I'm glad to hear Winslow made it home in one piece, mum says you're quite welcome but I will say she is a bit sour with the bird. The poor thing ran himself through a window on his way out! Mum spent the afternoon picking glass out of her salad.

I did enjoy my first year at Hogwarts and cannot wait till next year though I'm enjoying the extra time off to focus on work beyond that of academia. Of course I'll be trying out for quidditch my brother and I are big fans of the game ... though I cannot tell you what position or even what house I'm in because it'll give the mystery away! Can't make it too easy on you now can I? Though thanks for the hint Miss Hufflepuff. I'll be sure to add that to my list of clues of who you are.

I could teach you how to fly if you'd like? I spent all of last summer teaching my little brother. He was frightened of it as well, cried the whole time but before summers end he was a star(but don't tell him I said that). I have more patience than my other brother who simply gave up 20 minutes in.

Your uncle is a potioneer? How marvelous! Is he well known for his work? I'm afraid I cannot tell you what I like to make as that too might very well give away my hidden identity but I will tell you I like to create a plethora of things. Gadgets and potions and magical sweet and the lot. Maybe I'll show you one day?

What do you like to do? Do you take after your uncle with potions as well or does your passion lay elsewhere?

And thank for writing back I too find this predicament we've found ourselves in quite intriguing myself.

With laughter,
a stranger


AN: hiya guys! I think I'll do a few more of this "first letters" then I'll get into Persephones actual day to day life ◡̈ question though? Should the story start with them knowing who the other is or should the mystery remain as the story continues? I'm not quite sure which route I wanna take it so any input is greatly appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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