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(M/N) AND GOJO.. has been dating for a year. Their relationship isn't anything more than a casual one at this point.

They meet up every other week just to get out of their houses and have fun together; go shopping, watch a movie and play video games.

Until, their exams are coming up, they haven't been spending much time together at all.

Gojo was frustrated that (M/n) hasn't giving him much attention and... HE DIDN'T GIVE HIM CHOCOLATES AND GIFTS!!??

Gojo was hurt and almost cried that Suguru and Shoko were giving him concerned looks, making him feel worse about his situation.

It was Valentine's day and he wanted a chocolate from M/n but the guy wasn't even paying attention to him anymore.

They didn't talk as often either and it was really starting to upset Gojo. He felt so pathetic and lonely.

His friends knew it was hard for him to ask for things like chocolate so he didn't want to be rude. But how was he supposed to know that he wouldn't give Gojo any love? It made no sense!

Suguru slowly approached him and gave him a pat on his back, "Satoru, don't worry too much about it... he'll realize eventually!"

Gojo just nodded, looking down on the ground dejectedly. The two went on ahead, not wanting to see the tears that would fall. Suguru had said that M/n wasn't ignoring him because he was busy with school.

He had no idea what happened during that exams, or how he missed a month of being by his boyfriend's side. It was very hard for the poor white haired boy.




The next day when (M/n) came home from school with a tired expression on his face, he saw Gojo sitting on his couch, glaring at him in annoyance.

"Hey..." (M/n) greeted, going to sit next to the angry boy.

"What did I do?" He asked, confused on why Gojo had become so mad at him all of a sudden. He'd never seen him acting so angry before. Maybe he did something wrong, right?

Gojo scoffed, crossing his arms, "You didn't call me, that's what. You've been completely avoiding me since the finals of our finals exam. How could you do that?!" Gojo demanded, feeling angry as well.

"Plus, you forgot what day is today!!"

This was getting way out of hand. M/n looked sad at first but then he frowned in frustration, "Satoru, Do you not understand that I can't just forget about everything and everyone?! I was so stressed out during my exams that I barely slept and my mind was filled with thoughts and theories."

"So it doesn't matter if we were studying! We could still spend quality time together!" Gojo argued, grabbing the other's wrist and pulling the latter closer to him.

"You're my lover, (M/n)." His voice softened a bit, his eyes becoming watery.

"I don't know what kind of person you think I am, but I care about you! I want you to come around to me! If not, I won't stand for it. I don't want you to just ignore me or push me away." The white haired boy pleaded, looking into (M/n)'s eyes.

After a few moments of silence, M/n sighed, shaking his head,

"I'm sorry Gojo."

Gojo blinked, surprised. Did he seriously just let him off scot free? That was unexpected.

He expected an argument and even though it ended up being a small one, the tension between them had diminished significantly.

Now the atmosphere was light. It was like a little storm passed and now everything was calm again.

"Look, I didn't forget what today is. I was so busy studying for the exams and didn't have time to buy you your present." (M/n) continued, looking away shyly.

"I promise to make it up to you. Let me take you out on a date tomorrow night." The taller male requested, leaning in close.

Gojo blushed a bit but nodded softly, resting his forehead against (M/n)'s.

He liked the feeling of the guy's warmth and soft skin against his own.

"Okay." The shorter muttered back, smiling sweetly.

Gojo pulled away, his cheeks flushed slightly pink with embarrassment from the intimate moment. He stood up, offering the other a hand. "Let's get some snacks and cuddle."

M/n smiled wider as he took his hand, intertwining their fingers and standing up with a slight blush to his cheeks.

"Sounds good."






- Sorry for the long update guys! I was so busy! 😔🙏

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