The Charybdis

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My findings
Not in my entire life have I ever considered such a turn of events involving me to take place,  after all,  I thought I was just a nobody.  Forgettable,  lonely,  plain,  boring that's all I ever considered my life to be.  That was until I started studying the drastic change of events that took possession of me and my life.  The "Charybdis" is what I called it.  The anomaly,  the phenomenon,  the masked figure.   It was about 2 months ago since I realised it had been watching me through my window as I typed out the script for my new video essay.  At first I was terrified,  I closed the curtains and flicked off all the lights as I thought this person had been stalking me,  planning to sneak in and rob the place,  and even kill me.  But that never happened.  I waited in bed fearing for my life,  but I didn't hear anyone enter the house,  I was safe.  Was I just seeing things?  No,  they returned the next night,  only for me to be completely unharmed and my house untouched as usual. As the days went by,  I would always catch a glimpse of the strange person,  staring up at me?  I couldn't be too sure,  as my room is upstairs so I have to look down to see them.  Their eyes were impossible to make out because of the strange mask they wore.  A cat mask?  That's why the first night I saw them,  I was convinced they were a robber hiding their identity,  but I was wrong.  After all,  this "person" wasn't really a person at all.  I recalled how people move,  people talk,  people breathe.  It didn't do any of these things.  It just stood still,  not a single shift in movement.  During that same month,  I went to the shops,  relatives houses,  libraries ect.  On the way I would always seem to see the masked figure standing on the sidewalk,  standing next to street lights,  standing next to signs,  never walking.  Why doesn't it walk?  Beats me.  When I made it to my aunts house,  I explained to her why I was so nervous and on edge.  She didn't believe a single thing I said about the masked figure,  but why should she?  It sounds crazy,  a masked non-human that watches you and never moves or hurts you?  That's something straight out of folklore.  She advised I see a psychologist or something,  but I've never been so certain about anything.  The figure is real,  I see it every night.  I see it right now as I write this.  It's just standing there on the sidewalk,  I'm peeking through the curtain so I don't alert it of my acknowledgment,  but it's there,  there's no doubt about that.

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