Chapter One

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"I bet I'll make it first. I sure wish we could fly. Our wings come and go. We don't have any control over them. At least I don't yet. Pablo, we are about to have a race. Let's see who can make it to school first and then to our classroom. We can't have Tana waiting on us forever you know. Even though this is such an early start. I think she's a great teacher and has been for the five years we've gone to school together," Elaina prompted as they reached the sidewalk from the house. The house looked mighty as it was three stories tall and included a basement. Talk about traveling overseas excited her. She could barely stand the idea. Also, she had fully learned how to control her fiery breath before going to school at the age of five.

"Not if I make it first. Just watch. I'm the faster of the two of us and I know how to fly and control my wings. I'm surprised you haven't learned to control your wings and fly yet. Though, I don't know how to say this, but if you just think about it you will be able to control it. Just take a deep breath and focus. Not to mention that our parents tells us we are dragons and will end up turning into our real forms soon," Pablo said. Then he took off with a lunge.

"Just think about it. And it will happen. Just think about it and it will come true. Giant spiders that never existed before and large lizards. Dragons without wings or the ability to breathe fire. I am focusing."

Suddenly wings poked out for the first time in a controlled manner. Maybe now she could fly. Flapping her wings back and forth she moved up in the air. Eliana was doing it for the first time. She was flying! Then she turned the corner of the street and headed toward a gigantic house that looked as if it had been a beautiful mansion at one time but now was old with broken everything. Who knew where the owner went?

Learning was everything. Maybe they could all use magic. She had been learning Greek and Latin as much as she could besides school. Her parents were very knowledgeable and so was her teacher. They had been spreading American English everywhere. Although the dialect had evolved over the years. They had said England had been spreading their English too. UFOs could contain human beings. But it had been over 250 years since the last human beings were seen. She continued flying past the run down mansion even after a few falls. She could get used to flying. Next, she searched for a baseball field. Grown ups, including her parents, often played on the field. Maps were mainly local since the landscape kept changing so much.

After reaching the baseball field, Eliana knew the school was next to it. Losing count of how many times she fell, she decided this would be her last time falling and make a run for it. On the sidewalk Pablo waved his arms. She had finally made it to the school. This time she looked at her watch. 30 minutes faster compared to if she had walked. Smiling, she yelled and then rushed to her brother's side. Then she felt something crawling on her face and saw concern in her brother's eyes. She reached up and wiped her face. The crawling had come from blood. She was bleeding and in more than one place too.

"I think you should have stuck to running. I see you are beginning to control your wings and flying skills now. Good job. Should practice at home in our backyard now like I did. Quick, let's see Nurse Joey and get bandages on you. Don't you get pain when you get hurt like I do?" Pablo spoke up.

"Come to think of it, my whole body is in pain. Indeed, let's go to the nurse. I hope she could wave a magic wand and make it better. Oh, I had so much fun flying. Flying is definitely easier. So much better than running," Eliana gasped. She also found it difficult to breathe.

"Your asthma maybe acting up. Once with Nurse Joey you will be okay. Summer all year long despite the books talking about Fall, Winter, and Spring. Though rumors of hurricanes is pretty tiresome."

"Tiresome? Well I can imagine meeting the dwarf more instead. I think I'm going to be okay. We made it to school that looks like a White House and I heard there will be six new students too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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