chapter 1

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Law woke up when he felt warm sunrays touching his face, illuminating his surroundings.

He smiled to himself, eyes still closed contently, when he noticed that he didn't even suffer from a trace of a hangover. Actually, his body felt strangely satisfied.

Damn, he sure was one lucky bastard. No matter how much he drank, Law never felt sick after a night of lots of booze.

Usually, Law was not someone who would mindlessly drink himself into oblivion. Being a doctor made him self-aware of his body and the dangers of massive amounts of alcohol.

Come to think of it, he was actually a little surprised with himself. Of course he loved drinking a cold beer after work, just like any other man, but he didn't remember what exactly made him go beyond his limits like that. Heck, he didn't even remember who or what convinced him to join his friends Shachi and Penguin to this stupid party at some ridiculous club he had never heard of before. He recalled someone claiming it was "the best party ever" and that he "had to join them". Was the party really that great? What was it even about?

God damnit, he didn't remember shit.

Suddenly, he felt something moving next to him on the bed, followed by a sleepy sigh.

Opening his eyes lazily and turning his head to the right, Law was faced with the image of a young man, definitely not older than 20 years, who was currently curled up to his side, his head resting on a pillow while his hand was right on top of Law's chest.

Law's naked chest.

However, this didn't shock Law at all. This was definitely not the first time he was faced with such a situation. He'd had his fair share of one night stands in the past and he surely didn't mind another name on his list. He propped himself up on his elbows a little bit, taking his time to examine his last night's lay. From the way his body was curled up against him, Law could tell that the boy was definitely shorter than himself. His dark hair was ruffled, his lithe and tanned body naked, his eyes tightly closed, his mouth slightly open and, oh god, were those hickeys on his neck? Everything about this boy basically screamed 'sex'.

God, Law definitely was one lucky bastard. Even when he was completely wasted he had managed to get himself a handsome partner to spend the night with.

A wave of pride shot through Law's body. He immediately liked this guy. Maybe when he woke up Law could convince him to go for a second round? What a pity he didn't remember last night, because from the way his body felt this guy must had been one hell of an animal in bed.

Law decided to close his eyes again and to just enjoy the moment.

He didn't recognize the room he was currently in, so he guessed he was at this boy's house. He was definitely a neat freak, considering the way the room was decorated. It was really bright, the white colors of the walls and of the bed actually made Law feel like he was in heaven right now. The way the sun shone through the windows was perfect, it made everything so much better.

And he surely didn't mind the warm body that was pressed against his side.

Law didn't regret his decision of joining his stupid friends at all now. It had been a long time since he had felt this cozy.

A content sigh left Law's mouth. He decided to continue sleeping until the boy next to him woke up. He would probably tell Law about how he made him go crazy last night, demand a second round, then they would share a nice breakfast together and Law would go home again.

Law felt some strands of his hair tickling his nose and moved his right hand to move them away. The moment his hand touched his face he noticed something. Something was off.

Something was definitely off.

He touched his face with his right hand again, telling himself in his head that it was just his imagination. But no, there it was again - The feeling of something that shouldn't be there. Something about his finger.

Law still had his hand right in front of his face when he opened his eyes slowly. Cold, grey eyes met a bright, golden ring.

Right on his fucking ring finger.

"What the fuck?!" Law didn't even try to be quiet as his upper body shot up into a sitting position within one second. His body was trembling slightly as he looked at his right hand, eyes wide open with shock. Fuck. This couldn't be true... This had to be some kind of twisted joke!

What the fuck happened last night?

"Hey you, wake up!" Law forcefully grabbed the boy next to him by his shoulders and started shaking him violently.

This guy better had an explanation for this bullshit. Did he trick him into all of this? God, what a desperate move. Law mentally smacked himself for falling for such a trick.

"Wh-what...? Hey!" the boy stuttered, obviously annoyed by the rude way he was woken up, and quickly tried to shove Law away.

Once Law let him go, still panting heavily, he felt the other's gaze on him. Law expected that guy to explain everything to him instantly.

Instead, the young boy just looked at him, crossed his arms in front of his chest, tilted his head to the side a little bit and blinked his eyes several times at him.

"Who are you?" he asked, looking puzzled.

Just great. This boy obviously didn't remember anything either. For the first time in his life, Law didn't know what to do. He had no memory of last night and was now stuck in one room with a stranger who seemed to be completely clueless as well.

Law started massaging his temples with his fingers, trying to think. There HAD to be something he should remember, but his memory was completely blank.

"My name is Luffy, by the way. Is this your place? Looks nice." the boy said as he eyed his surroundings.

"Look, I don't give a fuck about your name right n-", suddenly, Luffy's last words hit him like a truck. Law looked at the younger boy again, completely perplexed. "This...This is not your place?" he asked.

If this was not his own place and not this boy's, Luffy's, place...Then where the hell were they?

Luffy blinked his eyes cluelessly "Never been here before."

This was too absurd. Law silently prayed that this was just a dream. He looked at the nightstand next to his bed and noticed a telephone, a vase and a little card on top of it. He moved his hand towards the small table, curious about the card, grabbed it and read what was on it.

'Dressrosa Hotel, Honeymoon Suite'

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading and I hope you all liked it )

Word count 1194

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