chapter 5

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Previous: weekend will be one of the most exciting ones of his life.

"Get the fuck off me!"

"But Law... Can't we cuddle a little bit?"

"Do I look like someone who likes to fucking cuddle?!"

Law looked at the digital clock on his nightstand, his eyes feeling heavy from the lack of sleep. 7.42 am. God damnit, the day hadn't even fully started yet and Luffy was already annoying the crap out of him. Again.

They were currently lying in their king size bed, with Law on his own side of the bed and Luffy completely sprawled all over it. Normally, Law wouldn't have complained about the boy taking up all the space, it was not like he needed that much for himself anyway. What bugged him them most though was the vice-like grip Luffy had on his waist.

Luffy had been like this almost half the night. Law guessed he had stirred the boy up a little bit too much the night before. After he had returned from the bathroom and got to bed, Luffy gently nudged closer to Law as they both tried to sleep. However, Luffy gradually snuggled closer and closer as the time passed until he was sprawled all over Law.

Law had tried pushing him off several times, but damn, that boy sure was strong for his age!

"Why are you even up already? I wouldn't have expected you to be an early riser..." Law rubbed his eyes lazily, adapting to the bright light of the slowly raising sun. He tried shoving Luffy away one last time before giving up. There was no use, he figured, the young boy was way too stubborn.

Luffy let go of Law's waist with his right hand, moving it up to his own head to rub his neck sheepishly.

"Uhm, I guess it's because I didn't have my midnight snack last night." As if on cue, Luffy's stomach started growling loudly. Luffy's cheerful expression changed into one of self-pity as he rubbed his palm over his belly with small circular motions "Damn, I'm hungry..."

Law stared at the boy for a few seconds, his mouth curving into a small smile.

"There's a restaurant in the hotel, I'm sure they serve breakfast-" Law didn't even get the chance to fully finish his sentence when Luffy let go of his waist and moved his hands to his shoulders, pushing Law into the mattress almost violently.

"Where is it?" Luffy asked as he was leaning over Law. His eyebrows were furrowed together and his mouth was a straight line.

The sudden determined look on the usually carefree boy confused Law. Luffy surely never ceased to surprise him.

"The restaurant?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the young boy above him.

"Yes, the damn restaurant! Where is it?!" Luffy's tone was harsh as he started digging his fingernails into the flesh of Law's shoulder and pushed him even harder into the mattress.

Law was a little dumbstruck at Luffy's sudden and unexpected outburst as his eyes shifted from left to right.

"Probably, uh, on the first floor." Law said as he awkwardly tried to push the boy off.

In one swift motion Luffy let go of him and jumped out of the bed. He almost ran towards the closet where they kept their clothes in, slammed it open and grabbed the first pieces of clothing he found.

Law blinked twice at him as he got out of the bed too and sat on the edge of the mattress. He was slower than Luffy though. After all, he wasn't even that hungry.

"Hurry up Law! Change your clothes!" Law looked into Luffy's direction, only to find his vision blocked by a shirt Luffy had just thrown right into Law's face.

Law grabbed it and glared at Luffy "The food is not going to run away from you, you know."

Luffy wasn't even listening to him as he clumsily tried to put his jeans on, almost tripping over his own feet in the process.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Law said with a low voice, getting up from the mattress slowly.

Suddenly, his back was connected with the mattress once again as Luffy stared down at him.

"No way." he said, his voice sounding unusually serious. "That's gonna take way too long!"

Law managed to shove him off this time, Luffy's grip wasn't that strong anymore.

"It's only going to take 5 minutes-" Again, Law was cut off by an eager Luffy.

"That's too long!"

God, there was no arguing with this boy when it came to food. Law rolled his eyes and got off the bed, heading towards the bathroom and collecting his clothes that Luffy had thrown all over the floor only a few minutes ago.

"You can do whatever you want. Go alone, I'm gonna take a shower." he didn't look back at Luffy as he slammed the door of the bathroom shut.

He walked towards the sink and splashed cold water in his face. He hissed a little bit at the feeling. It felt like he was desperately trying to wake himself up from some kind of nightmare.

Law turned the water off and placed both of his hands on the sink's edge, slowly rising his head to watch his reflection in the large mirror. The skin around his eyes was even darker than usual, which let him know that he looked like someone who hadn't slept for days.

"Fuck," he muttered to himself, "I'm not gonna survive that."

Law rubbed his face again and jerked a little when his face came into contact with the cold ring on his finger.

Looking down at it, Law wondered if Luffy was waiting outside for him to finish or if he seriously went to the restaurant all by himself. Sure, Luffy was unpredictable when it came to food, but the thought that he went off without Law seemed ridiculous to him. They had only spent one day together and Luffy was constantly attached to Law, constantly clinging to him like a child.

Law stopped his train of thoughts when he felt his head starting to throb. He decided to skip the shower and to accompany Luffy to breakfast.

When he opened the door he immediately started to scan the room with his grey eyes for Luffy.

"Luffy?" Law asked, his voice slightly raising in volume. Luffy was nowhere to be found. His eyes drifted to the spot where they left their shoes and saw only his own pair.

So Luffy did leave without him. The thought gave Law a weird feeling in his stomach, but he chose to ignored it. So what? He was the one who suggested Luffy to leave in the first place. He had no reason for feeling uneasy now.

Law nodded to himself and put on his own shoes, heading towards the restaurant as well.

His echoing footsteps sounded like thunder as he walked down the huge corridor of the hotel, avoiding to look at any person he met on his way. Damn, it didn't even hit him how big this place was when he walked the very same way with Luffy yesterday - Probably because the boy distracted him so much with his constant and stupid chatter.

He reached the restaurant quickly, the dark mahogany doors wide open for every guest to enter the huge room. Law had to admit, it was a nice view: The small wooden tables of the restaurant were aligned precisely, the room was really bright due to the large windows and the marble floor was shining just as brightly. If there was one thing this hotel had, it was money.

Fuck, this weekend was going to leave its mark on Law's wallet.

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading and i hope you guys liked it)

Word count 1313

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