chapter 7

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Previous: Law had to suppress the urge to grab a knife and slam it right through Luffy's chest.

Needless to say, Law tried his best to ignore the nineteen year old boy for the rest of the day after that incident at the restaurant. However, he soon figured out that this was probably easier said than done...

"Admit it!"

"Shut up."

"You were worried about me, right?"

"Stop grinning like that."

Luffy had his arms folded behind his head and, contrary to Law's demand, grinned even wider at him. Law was completely avoiding Luffy with his eyes as he stared at the huge streets in front of him. They were currently walking down the streets of Dressrosa. It was a nice city with lots of cultural sights and historical buildings. Ending up in Dressrosa wasn't something that happened every day after all, so they guessed they should just seize the opportunity and explore the city a little bit.

Luffy nudged Law's side with his elbow "Even Franky said that you looked completely panicked!"

Law closed his eyes for a second and snarled angrily at Luffy "Like I give a fuck about what that pervert said."

Shit, Law cursed himself for giving Luffy free ammo to pester him with so easily. Sure, he was denying it now, but deep inside he knew that Luffy was right. He was worried to no end about him.

His thoughts got interrupted when he heard the sound of his phone ringing loudly.

"Oh fuck," Law cursed, startled by the unexpected sound as he searched the pockets of his jeans for his phone "I didn't know I had it with me..." he said to himself, even though Luffy was right next to him and heard him just as well.

"Your phone? Ahh!" Luffy moved his hands to grab a fistful of his hair "Shit, where did I leave mine? I hope I didn't lose it like my wallet!" Luffy was agitated as he started searching his own pockets for his phone, but didn't find it. The fact that he couldn't find it didn't make him nervous though. He guessed he left it somewhere in their hotel room and immediately calmed down again.

After a few seconds Law pulled his phone out and stared at the display.


God damnit, he had some explaining to do.

"Hello, Shachi?" Law asked carefully, even though his heart rate was increasing from nervousness.

"Fuck, Law! You're alive!" Shachi sounded extremely relieved when he heard Law's voice. He had probably tried to reach Law several times already.

"Who is Shachi?" Luffy asked curiously as he leaned his face on Law's shoulder, as if he was trying to hear the other person on the phone.

"Shh!" Law grunted at him and tried to shove Luffy off, with little success though.

"Man, what happened to you? You literally disappeared all of sudden and neither Penguin nor I could reach you! Do you have any idea how worried we've been the whole time?"

Law sighed and scratched his head "Yeah, sorry... Hate to admit it, but I don't really remember anything too well."

"Neither do I... nor Penguin..."

"Did anything happen to you guys?" God, Law secretly hoped that something DID happen to them. He didn't want to be the only one with an embarrassing story.

"Man, the last thing I remember is how we were drinking this Scotch stuff and my memories from the rest of the night are completely blurred. The next morning I woke up in a grainfield at least five kilometres away from home! A fucking grainfield! Seriously, I have no idea how I got there!"

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