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"We need someone to go!" Jamie's voice rang over the uncomfortable silence that had dropped like a dead weight the moment that he had mentioned going foraging tonight.

The people around me shuffled nervously, whispering to one another and glancing at Jamie as if he were mad.

The truth was, no one wanted out foraging tonight, under the full moon, on Halloween.

"Anyone?" Jamie looked around, looking at each of our faces in turn, "Please?"

No one wanted to take that risk for a few meagre scraps.

Most of the gathered crowd averted their eyes to the dusty, well-trodden ground, not wanting to be chosen or singled out for being terrified.

Upon seeing that no one was brave enough to meet his eyes, Jamie's pleading expression morphed quickly into one of scorn, "And you lot call yourself Foragers? You're too scared to go outside in the dark tonight! What makes tonight different from any other night?!"

I bristled. I wasn't scared of Halloween night. I just had better things to do than go out foraging.

"Come on, people!" whinned Jamie, "We need resources. We're running out, and winter is coming. If we're not careful, we-"

He didn't need to finish his sentence. We all knew what would happen. It would be the end of us.

I growled in annoyance and shoved my hand in the air before I could change my mind, "I'll do it."

Everyone turned in my direction, their eyes wide with horror. Jamie physically seemed to relax, seeing my hand in the air. I kept my face emotionless.

"Thank you!" Jamie cried, "Thank you! We have our volunteer! Meeting adjourned!"

Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief before quickly dispersing into the camp like the meeting had never happened.

I folded my arms across my chest in slight anger. It wasn't even my turn to go foraging! I did mine yesterday!

Jamie bounded down from the raised wooden platform, making a beeline to where I was standing.

"You have no idea what a life saver you are!" Jamie grinned.

I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for his sweet talk, "Cut to the chase, Jamie. What do I need to do?"

Jamie swallowed at my sudden hostility, "Um... meet me by the gate at dusk. I'll tell you then."

I simply gave him a grunt in acknowledgement before turning away from him, crossing the meeting square to enter the miscellaneous sea of tents and shacks.

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