Chapter 21 - Think

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Alyssa Takada

After a long week of working, I decided to shop by myself. I went to the mall with Lou who Liam assigned to assist me. She's such a great assistant and has been helping me a lot.

I was looking at some dresses when I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see Thea and her two friends walking in. I asked the staff to grab my size from the back so I could try the dress on.

"Alyssa," They called me, and I turned to her.

"Hi," I said flatly, and her friends asked who I was.

"She's one of our patients in the hospital," Thea answered.

"Here you go, Miss." The staff returned to me with my size, and I walked into the fitting room to try it. I walked out to see myself in a bigger mirror and asked Lou if it suited me. She said the dress was a little too big on me.

You changed back into your clothes and returned the dress to the staff. You looked at other available dresses.

"You won't look good in these dresses because you don't have boobs." They stood beside me as she grabbed a dress. She turned to me and looked down to my chest. I ignored her because dealing with someone like her wasn't worth it.

"Liam doesn't like you. He said that you always give him a hard time." She added as she grabbed another dress to try.

"I know that already," I said, walking to the other side.

After not finding what I wanted, I was going to get out when Thea tried the dress that I put on earlier. It looked so good on her. She's taller, curvier, and so much more beautiful than me. Her eyes met mine, and she smirked before pushing her hair to the back.

Good for her.

I was walking towards another store when I saw two people I had known since I was a kid. I walked closer to them to make sure I was not hallucinating. It's been three years, I think.

"Robin and Reina?" I called the twins, and they both turned to me simultaneously. Reina's eyes widen, and she squealed when she saw me. She ran into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"What the hell! I thought you were still in Paris!" Reina put her hands on my shoulder, looking at me from head to toe. "I just got back... around a month ago." I turned to Robin, who was still stunned to see me.

"So you're just going to stand there?" I asked, and he smiled before hugging me so tightly. He even picked me up and spun me around.

"I've missed you, Aeri." He kissed me on my forehead, and Reina linked her arm with mine.

"So when will you go back to Paris?" Reina asked, and I shook my head, "I'm back in New York for good, so..." Reina turned to Robin, who was already nodding.

"Are you free now?" She asked.

"Yes, I am." I turned to Lou, "You can leave now. I'll be hanging out with my friends." Lou looked hesitant for a second, but she left me.

"Let's have dinner together, and then we can go to a bar or clubbing." She said, and I chuckled, nodding. "What do you want to eat, Aeri?" Robin asked as he put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him.

Robin and Reina's parents are one of my parents good friends. We've been friends since we were kids, and we used to be inseparable. Reina mentioned once that Robin had a massive crush on me and that he told his parents that he wanted to marry me one day.

Robin has always been very affectionate, and he's never hiding his feelings for me. He's always been bold with what he likes and doesn't like. He's always prioritized me above everything. He's the type who would leave everything for you.

"How about we go eat ramen? I know a good restaurant near here." I suggested.

"That's great. I'm going to return some of my clothes because it doesn't fit. Do you mind waiting for me at Starbucks? Buy me one..." Reina turned to Robin, and he nodded.

"Okay." Reina walked away, and Robin grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, "Let's go." He smiled, leading me to Starbucks.

"It's been so long since I've seen you, Aeri." He leaned his head to mine, and I chuckled, "Three years, Robin. It's been three years." We walked into Starbucks and looked at the menu.

"Still love your Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel and oat milk?"

"You know me so well." He ordered two of those and one vanilla frappuccino for Reina.

"So... any boyfriends?" He asked, and I turned to him, thinking about how can I tell him that I have a husband without telling him directly that I have one.

"I don't want to be in a relationship now." He nodded, "I understand."

"So you're working with your dad now?"

"Yeah. I've been working with him in the New York branch, but I was considering moving back to Tokyo next month." My statement made him raise his eyebrows.

"But you love New York more than Tokyo. Why do you want to return to Tokyo when you know you won't be happy there?" And again, Robin knows me too well.

"I won't be staying there for too long. I'm going to figure out where I want to go next before fully taking over my dad's company." I let out a long sigh as I looked at the ground blankly.

"You're running away, aren't you?"

"Yes," I admitted.

"I'm going to move to Greece in three months. It'll be temporary, but if you want to see what's Greece like, you can come with me. Reina will join me for two months, so you can stay there while she's there." I turned to Robin, and he gave me his warmest smile.

"I'll think about it."

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