Chapter 40 - Three Words

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Liam Hastington

"Why the fuck are you drinking like tomorrow is doomsday?" Luke asked as he plopped beside me. I ignored him and took more shots of tequila.

"What's going on here?" Dean entered the room and was followed by Blake and Vincent. They all chuckled when they saw me getting drunk when I was not the type to drown myself with alcohol.

"You look like shit." Kaleb walked in, and I scoffed sarcastically.

Everyone is here besides A. I ignored all the stares from them, and I poured myself more shots. I kept drinking, and they looked at me with pity.

"Drink vodka. It's the best drink to eat your feelings." Vincent said, and I rolled my eyes. They poured themselves some vodka and toasted my divorce.


"Aren't we supposed to celebrate? You're a few days away from your divorce?" Blake asked in a mocking tone.

"Do you want me to send women to your apartment?" Dean asked. "I can send you a dozen hot blondies."

"Do you want them now? We can book you a room—" Luke stopped talking when I glared at him, and Blake chuckled.

"You don't want to divorce her, do you?" Blake asked, and all of them had their eyes on me.

"I want the divorce." They all rolled their eyes and continued to drink and talk with each other.

"Complicated, huh?" Dean, who was sitting beside me, asked. I gave him a slight nod before taking a shot of tequila.

"You never liked her, so why is it hard to let her go? You were the one who wanted the divorce, right?"

"I don't know. I hate it when she mentions divorce. Her things started disappearing, and it felt weird." I told him honestly, and Blake, who sat in front of me, also looked depressed.

"Two married men who got their wives filed for a divorce. I'm living for the drama." Luke mocked me and Blake who also drank his vodka shots.

"If you don't want to divorce her, don't." Vincent bluntly said, "Alyssa seems friendly, not like Athena." Blake glared at Vincent, who was not aware that Lockwood was going to murder him.

"You told me that you asked her for a hundred million. Is that true?" Vincent asked, and everyone turned to him.

"You asked her for a hundred million dollars?" Blake's eyes widened. "Are you for real?" He leaned his body forward.

"Fucker. You're so smart." Kaleb clapped his hands.

"Did she agree to give it to you?" Dean asked curiously, and I nodded.

"She wanted the divorce so bad that she's willing to give me a hundred million dollars," I said as I held onto a glass shot filled with tequila. "I should be the one who tells her that I fucking want the divorce." I hissed.

"Look at you... you don't look like someone who wants a divorce."

"She's going to a fucking pet expo in a month to meet up with a vet. We met his parents in Lake Como, and she looked interested in him." I hissed, and Dean chuckled.

"Don't divorce her then..." Luke said like it's nothing.

I ignored my friends for the rest of the night. We kept drinking, and everyone left except for Dean. He stopped drinking a while ago, but now he's staring at the ceiling like an idiot.

"Why are you still here?" I asked as I closed my eyes.

"Wanting to see you miserable."

"You fucker! Wait till it's your turn..."

"So you're admitting that you're falling for your wife?" I opened my eyes and turned to him. I long sighed, "Do you think divorcing Alyssa will be a good decision for me?"

"Why are you thinking about not divorcing her? You don't like her, and you married her to make your parents happy. Besides, she agrees to it, so why not?"

"I don't know. I've got used to having her around already, I guess." I let out a long sigh. "She never wanted to lean on me. She said that I'll never be the first person that she calls when she's in distress. She proved it to me every time, but I will always be the first person who came to save her." My hand reached for the glass shot in front of me.

"You only want validation then. You want her to lean on you, and she knew damn well not to because you'll be pissed about it. She made the right decision, Liam." Dean chuckled. "Divorce her, Liam. It's just a fucking phase, and you know it." With that, he got up and left.

A phase? I think so, too.

"A phase?" I repeated myself, trying to think about it.

For two months, I've been getting used to her presence. It won't be hard for me to go through the divorce.

My phone vibrated.

Alyssa: Come back home. I made dinner.

I got up and called Rocky to get the car ready. I grabbed the bottle of tequila and drank it straight from the bottle, and I went down and got into the car.

"Oh boy. You've been drinking?" Alyssa asked when I got into the apartment with Rocky's help. I smiled and cupped Alyssa's face, kissing her.

"Hi, wifey."

"Thank you, Rocky." She thanked Rocky and held on to my body. She brought me to the dining table where she already made curry.

"Sit down and let me get you a drink." She took my tequila bottle and gave me a bottle of cold water. I drank it and turned to the food. I grabbed the spoon and started eating.

"Did you meet up with your friends?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Tomorrow is the day, Liam." I turned to her, and she gave me a faint smile. She held my hand tightly, and I pulled away.

"You need to care for yourself and not get drunk often." I ignored her and kept eating. "Thank you, Liam. Thank you for everything."

"You forgot the three words," I said as I ate.

"I love you, Liam."

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