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Anbu Illam

1 week passed,

In the garden of the building, Nandhini gazed affectionately at her son, Aarav, who was surrounded by a group of playful kids, all chattering in their adorable baby voices. Her heart swelled with gratitude toward the members of Anbu Illam, for it was because of them that she now had a job and a safe shelter for her beloved son.

Nila arrived with a tray of snacks for the little ones and called out to them. She gently scooped Aarav into her arms and sat down next to Nandhini. Nandhini, lost in her thoughts, was brought back by Nila's question, "What are you thinking, Nandhu?" Aarav was busy playing with Nila's chain, his innocent curiosity evident. Nandhini replied with a soft smile, "Nothing too serious, Nila. I was just reflecting on how much my life has changed since I came here."

Nila's eyes sparkled with understanding and reassurance as she told Nandhini not to worry about a thing. At that moment, the excitement in the garden grew palpable as a car rolled into view. The children's faces lit up with joy at the sight, Prakash and Varun emerged from the car, their presence greeted with the children's exuberant cheers.

From a distance, Prakash couldn't resist being his charming self, so he winked at Nila, making her blush. Nandhini, noticing the exchange, couldn't help but laugh, To overcome his regret, Varun had started visiting Anbu Illam frequently, making it a part of his routine. He had taken to spending quality time with the children, embracing his role as the old good Varun.

Nila, with her ever-cheerful smile, welcomed everyone, saying, "Hi guys! Welcome!"

After the pleasantries were exchanged, Varun, with a warm and friendly demeanor, gathered the kids in a circle. They all sat down eagerly, forming a close-knit group.

Prakash, always ready for some fun, decided to kick things off, "Hey, kids! Do you know it's time for... the silliest joke competition.  We're going to see who can make us laugh the hardest."

The children's eyes lit up with excitement, and they started taking turns sharing their best jokes and funny stories. The kids laughed and shared their jokes with enthusiasm, while Prakash, the joker, couldn't resist adding his own humorous comments and witty punchlines, making the children laugh uproariously. After their jokes, they distributed the snacks that they bought for the children, Praksh dragged Nila with him to have their sweet conversations!

Nila looked at Prakash with a perplexed expression and asked, "Aio Prakash, why did you bring me here? Nandhu and Varun are alone over there! Let's join them!"

Prakash responded with a mischievous smile, "Well, my darling Nila, if my instincts are right, Varun might just have feelings for Nandhini!"

Nila's face lit up with curiosity, and she inquired, "How sure are you about this?"

Prakash leaned in and shared, "Lately, Varun has been opening up a lot about what's happening in his life, especially about Nandhini and her son Aarav. He's been asking about her and talking about her more often. You know how Varun is, he doesn't invest his time in just anyone or anything unless it's something special to him."

Nila smiled and said "Hope everything will be fine"

Varun was slowly but surely emerging from his guilt when his attention was gently pulled away by little Aarav, who was clutching his legs. With a warm smile, Varun picked up the young boy and settled him on his lap.

"Hey, little buddy! How are you?" Varun inquired, to which Aarav responded with some adorable baby babbling. Nandhini, who had been approaching with a milk bottle, extended her hands to take her son, but to her surprise, Aarav clung to Varun instead. With a kind smile, Varun said, "Give that to me, Nandhini. I'll help him with his milk." Nandhini handed the bottle to Varun, who skillfully fed Aarav, making the little one giggle with delight. Nandhini had heard about Varun through Nila and Mehna and couldn't help but feel empathy for him, knowing the pain of betrayal all too well. She approached Varun and asked, "How are you doing these days, Varun?" Her concern was evident in her voice.

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