Chapter 19

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Every great thing had to come to an end as their mini vacation had eventually ended and now the four friends were back to their normal daily routines

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Every great thing had to come to an end as their mini vacation had eventually ended and now the four friends were back to their normal daily routines. Minji back to her job, Yongbok's back to preparing for his departure while you and Hanni back to university life.

"Haerin-ah~" Hanni called out to her friend next to her as soon as their class ended. "Yeah~" Haerin turned to face her friend with a smile. At this point the two are as close as they could possibly be. "I actually got you something when I'm at Jeju..."

"This is interesting... first time I'm receiving something from Pham Pham Hanni." Haerin even got Hanni a nickname only she can use and Hanni's more than happy about it. Hanni went into her bag before taking out a small pocket size frog plush toy.

"Oh my god that's a cute one..." Haerin's excited just by seeing the toy as Hanni handed it to her. "Wait I have one more..." Hanni then took a soft squishy hello kitty figure.

"Yongbok suggested this to me. You can do this..." Hanni began squeezing the toy gently and made her friend laughed genuinely at it. "Yongbok did? This is great..." Haerin immediately grabbed onto it and began squishing it and giggled in every squeeze.

"Thank you Pham Pham~" Haerin's day got a lot better with the gifts from Hanni as they're leaving their lecture room, heading for the cafeteria as it's already lunch period.

Haerin and Hanni got a table as they're eating their lunches while waiting for the whole two hours before their last class for today starts. Hanni's eyes were wandering around before she noticed how Haerin's been giggling to herself quietly every time she picked her phone up.

"You know I never tell you this before Haerin..." Hanni said as she gained her friend's attention. "...but seeing you and Yongbok together actually makes me feel happy." That statement made Haerin's cheeks flushed in gentle redness.

"Thank you, but right now we're still just friends. Yongbok is... umm he's totally the opposite of who I am..." Haerin's lips slowly curved a light smile as she's picturing his face. "He's bright, he's cheerful. Sometimes shares an opinion with me, sometimes not. He knows his boundaries and he's respectful to me and my space."

"...I appreciate Yongbok so much. I wish I'd talk to him more back in high school but I know there's a reason we're getting this close at this stage of our lives." Haerin continued as Hanni's listening diligently with a light smile. "...but it's just..." Haerin then sighed silently as she couldn't continue.

"What exactly is making you hesitating? What's keeping you from accepting him completely." Hanni gently placed her palm onto Haerin's hand. "'s okay, I'll listen to you."

"Have you ever had to say goodbye to someone but deep inside..." Haerin had to breath in for a moment as she didn't want to tear up but eventually did anyway. "...deep inside there's this voice, a crying voice that's just screaming for him to stay?"

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