Mob Days II

207 12 2

Hm, yes.....

While he was once again exercising, Shugo listened and glanced at the news that was on the TV while the two Shugods watched.

It was night right now, and he had decided to start going around tomorrow.

{"One week ago, 10 mechanical insects have spread throughout Japan, and 8 others spread around the world! Reports say that they all came out from the gate west of the City of Hyuga hours before it was cleared. Two of them were recently found flying northeast of Hyuga. We do not know their true intentions, but they seemed to be trying to protect the populace of Japan."}

Several images appeared one by one the more the reporter spoke, showing the locations where 8 of the Shugods needed for King Oh-ger to be completed were, and due to the vagueness of the locations of the Three Great Shugods and God Tarantula, it's going to be very hard to locate them.

However, since it was specified that under 2 months, King Oh-ger had to be completed....

"I think I know what to do next. Recover God Tonbo and the two God Tentous, as they are nearby." He decided, before deciding to stop his exercise and change channels once the news he needed had passed.

Recovering God Tonbo is also required to have the talent of gaining some form of technological control and that Shugod has more knowledge about technology than most of the other Shugods. He might be a great help in recreating the Oh-ger Calibur.

So, he sat on a chair, facing a currently booting PC that is totally not a ripoff of Windows 7.

".... Why did I even pay the rent this cheap ripoff? It's still not fully booted!" He complained, almost wanting to punch the screen of the PC, yet knows that if he did, he would totally destroy it and had to pay the full price to his landlord.

He could get it fixed, but he currently had not much time, really.

Sensing his troubles, God Ant decided to hop and land on the top of the computer case. And for a moment, the Shugod started glowing a little bit.

It was quite obvious that it was temporarily upgrading the compartments inside the case, and soon enough the boot process was done without any more problems.

"Thanks, God Ant."

This was replied with a simple gesture from the Shugod, and now that the boot process is complete, he decided to immediately surf the web, trying to pinpoint the more proper locations of the Shugods, who knows if they've gone to somewhere?

But before that, he noticed a set of notifications.

[God Ant is using the skill: Improve!]
[Got Ant's EXP began to rise!]
[For every 10 seconds, one EP will be consumed while you also gain EXP; albeit at a slower rate]

Nodding his head, he decided to being preemptively pinpointing the locations of the Shugods, and luckily, he found out that three gigantic mechanical insects in Black and Gold were at China, going west towards India as hunters were reported to have tried to stop them.

However, they were as powerful, or more powerful than a mere S-class hunter. And they seemed to not want to hurt anybody, unless provoked, nobody tried to attack it, yet only asked to investigate it.

So, it made him worry about them less. In this way he was able to focus on the other Shugods.

God Papillon is always seen helping the police around the trouble of seriously arrogant hunters and even criminals that were former hunters. It's done because the Shugod has a powerful intuition of Law and Order. It is assisted by the two God Kumos. God Papillon is mostly seen around Osaka, and sometimes goes around following policemen to be of great help.

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