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A lump stretched underneath the wide sheets moving slowly out from under the blankets popping his messy head of hair out. Jisung groaned at the sudden brightness that torn into his eyes from the curtain. He buried his head into the pillow with a restless sigh. 

For some reason, his cheeks began to tint pink.

Last night he had asked Minho to stay up him. 

"Ew..." Jisung groggily mumbled into the pillow. 

He brought his thumb up to his mouth and started to pick at the nail. Why would he ask Minho to stay up with him? He would not let Minho see him soft, especially when he is tired. But why did Minho actually stay up with him? Jisung kicked his feet before turning over and jumping off the bed. If he was going to space out and question about why Minho stayed up with him despise him hating him, he was most definitely going to be late for school. 

Jisung rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and headed over to his closet. He reached for what he basically wore every day to school, denim baggy jeans and a hoodie or an oversized shirt. 


The thing was he had to be carefully picking his outfits out now because Minho and him shared the same closet. Since he thought he knew his own clothes he thought it would be simple to grab his and change but it actually was confusing. Jisung headed over to the bathroom brushing his teeth and rubbing his eyes still too tired to stand. 

After he finished, he grabbed his backpack which sat right besides Minho's desk filled with papers. Jisung didn't know what Minho did when he was away, but he assumed he worked for his dad's company. He grabbed everything he needed then headed downstairs tightening his grip on the backpack straps when he made eye contact with Minho. 

Before he could make his way-out Minho stopped him. "Wait." 

Jisung turned around. "What?" 

"You're wearing my hoodie." 

Jisung looked down at the dark grey hoodie which he in fact was wearing. He created an 'o' shape with his lips and awkwardly chuckled. 


Minho crossed his arms. "Take it off."

"I didn't realize, I won't wear it again." Jisung sighed rocking awkwardly back and forth glancing at Minho. "I'm going to be late; I need to start walking now." 

Minho turned around. "Fine, it's just a hoodie anyways." 

Jisung nodded slowly then proceeded to open the door and begin to walk. He looked at the ground as he made his way to his school spacing out like always. Minho let him get away with him wearing his hoodie. For the short amount of time, he has lived with Minho, the older wanted Jisung to touch nothing of his. So, what changed now? He shrugged it off as he wandered closer to the school.

As he got there, he saw his friends approaching him. Felix hopped over to him slinging an arm around the day older's shoulder with a smile as his other friends joined both their sides. 

"How's mister husband?" Felix grinned looking over at Jisung. 

"He's fine..." Jisung mumbled trying to hide the blush that slowly started to creep up onto his cheeks unknowingly. 

"You guys are so cute!" Hyunjin squeaked with laugh as the others agreed. 

"Yeah, you're like a book couple." Jeongin added. 

Jisung shifted from side to side nervously averting his eyes from the others. He felt nervously for some reason, when Minho's name was brought up, he began to fidget or move side to side. 

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