1, First day

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off again, I thought I snoozed that thing. I shuffle around trying to turn the damn thing off, 'why is it so early?' I thought to myself. 

"Laila, wake up you're gonna be late for school" I heard my mums voice echo from downstairs

I shot up as I realised I am back to school today. I checked the time and it was 7:40, school starts at 8:00, "shit, shit, shit" I said aloud as I tripped over my shoes. I quickly showered and carefully patted my body down drying it.  I went for my natural and go-to make-up look, just applying mascara and lipgloss. I opened my natural waves letting them out and free as I didn't have enough time to do my hair. I grabbed the first decent clothes that I could find. 'Amarni is going to have a fit' I thought to myself looking at the clothes but I didn't have time to find another outfit so I put it on anyways.

 'Amarni is going to have a fit' I thought to myself looking at the clothes but I didn't have time to find another outfit so I put it on anyways

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(My outfit)

I headed downstairs, my mum was making breakfast while my brother stuffed his face with cereal.

"Morning mum" I smiled at her

"Morning honey" She replied "Do you want breakfast?" 

"Thanks mum but I'll take an apple today, I can't risk being late on the first day back" I told her

"Amarni, hurry up we need to go" I said as I slapped the back of his head playfully

"First of all ow and second you still need to get dressed" he said clueless

"Erm I am dressed" I laughed

"You can't wear that otherwise I will have to fight every guy that looks at you" he smirked flexing his muscles "and I'm sure your so called boyfriend won't appreciate you wearing that either" 

My Friend group including my brother don't like my boyfriend because they all think there is more to him and he is hiding something but he was the first boy to show interest in me so I guess I jumped at the chance, all the other boys in my grade have never dared to even glance at me. I always wondered why, was I ugly?, were they scared of my brother?, did I stink? I don't even know. Anyways I have been with my boyfriend for 11 months, he transferred to my school just over a year ago and he was also able to make the football team.

"Well luckily I don't care what either of you think, you can either get in the car or get left behind making you late" I responded to him

"Fine" he said huffing back

Me and my brother have our own cars, but mum said it is better if we take one and go together, so we take turns taking our cars while my mum will take the other available car to work.

Once we arrived at school, I parked up in my usual spot and got out. All the boys were staring at me and admiring me I guess.. but they never made the effort to approach me. I turned to my brother and I could see he was angry. Instead of throwing a fit which I thought he would, he chucked his hoodie at me.

"Put that on and please don't argue" he said calmly

I agreed to put it on because truth be told I did feel a bit uncomfortable with everyones eyes on me and my brother probably knew that too. 'Why does he have to know me so well?' I think as I roll my eyes.

"Thanks"  I told him

"Of course little sis" he replied back

"Only by one year" I muttered rolling my eyes

"I'm still older" he smirked

I saw my best friend Avani make her way over to us with Jordan tagging along by her side. Someone ruffled my hair from the behind. I looked back to see who it was and of course it had to be him. Kaiden. My brother and Kaiden have been best friends forever since he lives right next door to us, so he practically grew up with us. Me and Kaiden also used to be close and I had the biggest crush on him but he never knew that of course, anyways he then decided to turn into a jerk and the biggest player so we eventually drifted apart. We do still talk but it is not the same as it used to be, sometimes I do wish it was but then I just remember what he turned into.

"Ass" I mumbled patting my hair back in place

"I missed you too princess" he smiled back

Ignoring him, I turned to my best friend Avani and practically jumped on her.

"I can't breathe Laila" she laughed

"I know, I just missed you" 

"You saw me a week ago" she rolled her eyes

Someone them wrapped their arms around me. 

"Hey baby" 

It was my boyfriend. I turned around and smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hey babe" I replied back to him

He pecked me on the lips but then started kissing me with full passion as he gripped onto to me hard. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. He always did this around my a big group of people. I never like it to be honest but I just brushed it off as he was the first boy that ever approached me. 

"Okay thats enough" my brother said throwing a football at his head. I wanted to laugh for some reason but held it back.

I turned away embarrassed but soon realised Kaiden was gone. Weird. I guess he didn't want to be late for lessons I told myself.

"Okay see you guys later me and Laila have to go now" Avani said pulling me away

I was thankful that she did that, it was getting too awkward

We went to lessons and Kaiden was in the back already. He looked pissed for some reason. Even though we don't see eye to eye I will check on him when we get home since I know he is gonna be there because of Amarni.



Hey guys that was the first chapter of my story. I hope you enjoyed it.

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