10, New rule

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I sat in my secret place and I can't lie I had a lot of deep thoughts going on. I got a message from Avani saying 'girl are you okay? where are you?'. Avani is like a sister to me who has always been there for me and I would never take it out on her so I just respond with 'I'm fine babe, just went for a walk'. I then remembered that Jace had messaged me and that I should give him a chance so I decided to reply to him. 'hey, friday's good for me :)'

Was I going to regret this? I don't even know. I decided to go to the nearest cafe to get something to eat since I haven't ate since morning. I walked in and was sat at a table for one, pretty sad huh. I ordered Nutella waffles with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on the side. I had a sudden urge for something sweet.

I had only ate half so far and I already began to feel full. I called the waitress over so I could pay the bill but instead she told me something I did not expect.

"Madam that gentle man over there has kindly paid for you meal" she pointed over to the one and only Kaiden

I didn't want his charity and I sure as hell didn't need it. I glanced over to him and he send over a slight smile to me. So he thinks paying for my food will make me forget the fact that he is back with his ex and he 'can't tell me' after promising me he will change. Yeah right.

"If you don't mind could you return his money, I would feel uncomfortable if someone else paid for me" I told her putting cash on the table getting up to leave

"Laila wait-" he began

"Kaiden please" I stopped him putting my hand up in disappointment then quickly turning around to walk out.

I couldn't believe that after all his lies and lack of honesty he honestly thinks I will forgive and forget like that.

I jumped in my car and drove home, putting my favourite playlist on to take my mind off of reality. I got home and instantly changed into something comfortable. I knew the football team would be coming to my house later since it's already our turn to 'kindly host' again, which means Kaiden is going to be here. Therefore, round two of avoiding him begins by staying in my room.

As I was scrolling through Disney Plus, I felt my phone vibrate. I picked up ready a message from Jace. 'Can't wait, wear something fancy and send me your address, I will pick you up around 7' he sent followed by a red heart. Interesting.

I returned him with the message 'See you seen soon' followed by a simple smiley face.

I was halfway through the film parent trap when I heard a bunch of voices downstairs. Yep the boys have arrived. I was just chilling in bed when I saw my doorknob turn. Please don't be Kaiden.

Fuck at this point I wish it was Kaiden, instead it was fuckface Hunter.

"The toilets down the hall" I said not bothering to acknowledge him

"It's cute that you think I'm looking for the toilet" he laughed walking towards my bed

"I swear to go if you don't get out"

"I always found it attractive when you would get pissed" he admitted stoking my face

"Hunter stop it" I pushed him off

"Fuck say my name again" he groaned

"No, you're a fucking weirdo"

"Come on have a little fun" his as he forced his lips onto mine

I pushed away and punched him in the face

"No means no you fucking idiot" I screamed in his face

I guess I screamed a bit too loud since my brother came rushing up with a few of the boys following behind him. My brother could clearly see I was a bit shaken up because all he so was red and he didn't think twice about dragging Hunter into the hall. He punched him several times before talking. His motto is 'I give you beatings first then I listen to your bullshit of an excuse'.

"What the fuck did I say about going near my sister you dick" he grabbed hunters shirt

"I told you I would be fucking her" he laughed. What was he a psycho? I really think he has serious problems testing my brother like that.

"First you're going to get the fuck out of my house and second your off the team" Armani spat in his face

"What you can't do that" he shouted back

"I can do what the fuck I want, especially when it's got to do with my family" my brother snarled back.

"Fine fuck you all, you will lose without me and you'll be begging for me back". Well he has a big ass ego.

"Just fuck off" Amarni rolled his eyes

"Alright" "See you soon" he winked at me. I generally think he is mental in the head and escaped from a mental hospital. This dude is crazy.

The boys made sure he left while Armani checked on me.

"Hunter is fucking thick in the head" he started "I don't want you going anywhere by yourself from now on"

"I ain't a baby Armani"

"It's either you go with someone or you don't go no where" he stated

I knew how Armani was and he was serious when it came to things like this so I had to agree.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes

"I'm only doing this because I care"

"I know"

"You will either be going with me or Kaiden"

"What why can't I go with Avani?" I questioned

"No offence but I don't think Avani will be able to fight off Hunter" he chuckled

Fuck, I knew he wasn't going to change his mind about this. I can't be around Kaiden, it will hurt too much but thanks to my brother I have no choice.
Well there was a lot that went on in this chapter

Double digits guysss. Chapter number 10

Laila agreed to the date guys!

Do we think Hunter is seriously mental in the head?

What do we think of Amarni's new rule?

See you on Wednesday my luvsss!!

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