Chapter 1: Save the Damned

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Beta read by Shigiya, Paragon of Awesomeness and Fabled Life




-Save the Damned

-The Empire-

Amid the desolate expanse of shimmering snow, a dense forest stood sentinel under the pale glow of a moonlit night. The rhythmic thunder of hooves echoed through the frigid air as a formidable procession of men clad in medieval armor surged forward, led by the indomitable figure of an imposing General, with striking silver hair — Nagumo.

"At this pace, we'll make it to the village of Wolfrod soon — keep your senses sharp!" His voice boomed with authority, urging his troops to hasten their pace and steel themselves for the impending confrontation with the enigmatic Danger Beasts that awaited them.

As they traversed the treacherous terrain, the ominous hush of the forest was punctuated by the urgent clatter of armor and the snorts of horses. Nagumo’s towering presence instilled a sense of camaraderie among his men, who occasionally exchanged glances laden with determination. 

"Steady, lads! We march into the heart of danger tonight but remember, it's the danger that fears us more!" The General's rallying cry was met with fervent nods and resolute expressions before his men answered with a shout of solidarity. The icy breeze seemed to carry their collective resolve as they continued their relentless advance.

The moon cast long, ethereal shadows upon the path ahead, guiding the intrepid battalion toward their ominous destination. Each rustling leaf and distant howl only fueled the mounting tension, underscoring the high-stakes nature of their mission. 

Hours passed, and the moon began its slow descent toward the horizon. At last, they emerged from the labyrinthine embrace of the forest, their destination coming into view – a remote village engulfed in chaos. Billowing plumes of smoke painted a grim tapestry against the night sky, and the crackling of flames underscored the urgency of the situation.

Nagumo reined in his horse at the village's edge, his stern gaze sweeping over the scene of devastation. Crumbling structures and smoldering ruins bore witness to a fierce battle, and his heart clenched with a mix of dread and determination. With a commanding gesture, he signaled his troops to halt.

"Prepare yourselves, men! Danger Beasts have left their mark here. We tread where few dare, but we shall face this peril with unyielding courage!" Nagumo's voice carried a mixture of authority and resolve, inspiring his men to dismount and ready their weapons.

The clash of steel and the whisper of armor filled the air as the soldiers braced themselves. As they advanced further into the village's heart, a chilling tableau unfolded before them. The virgin snow had been stained a deep crimson, punctuated by lifeless forms – villagers and beasts alike, their destinies intertwined in a gruesome dance.

"Gods above…" muttered a grizzled veteran as he stared in horror at the carnage, his voice trembling with disbelief. The General's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed the haunting sight. His grip on his spear tightened, a silent vow forged in the crucible of despair and determination.

But amidst the eerie silence, a sense of urgency tinged with desperation pervaded the scene. "Hurry, men! There may still be survivors!" He barked, his voice cutting through the heaviness in the air. He spurred his horse forward, the steed's powerful hooves crunching over the blood-soaked snow. A blazing brazier cast flickering shadows upon the ground, the flames mirroring the tempestuous emotions raging within Nagumo’s heart.

As he reached the center of the carnage, his breath caught in his throat. A lone figure stood amidst the chaos, a child with striking red hair and piercing golden-brown eyes that seemed to hold the weight of ages. The air around the child crackled with an otherworldly energy, an aura of danger that sent shivers down Nagumo's spine.

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