A chance is all that is needed

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Author POV-

Taehyung was walking back home after a long day of hell. Jimin slung his arm round his shoulder and pecked his cheeks.

"Eww..jimin ah, get a boyfriend fucker."

Jimin chuckled.

"What can I do? That idiot cat is not giving me attention." And that made his face immediately red.

"Dude that does not mean you can kiss me like that. Fuck off." Taehyung did not want to sound rude, but today, what happened in the morning, really pissed him off.

"Dude chill. Still pissed off? Come on. He did not want to come off as a rude person but you know, he was just possesive. Hoseok is a nice guy dude."

Taehyung widened his eyes at his words.

"Yahh.. are you taking his side? He just blamed me for no reason. He may be nice to you but not to me. It's all because of that jungkook guy. Why did he have to come sit on my lap?" Taehyung groans.

"Why? Did you get a boner?"

"Shut the fuck up min."

" okay okay. Don't get too worked up bro. But why is ur face red? Are you having dirty-"

"That's it. No ps 5 for you."

"Heyyyy that's not fair. Ps 5 is my lifeline."

"Really? Then who is yoongi?"

"He is my heart."


They both bickered on their way home and Taehyung couldn't help but wonder how did he get such an amazing and a kind friend.

Author POV-

The next day, jungkook hopped towards his school and stopped looking at Taehyung with his only friend, jimin walking, laughing and clinging around each other. Jungkook smiled sadly. "If only you could be like that with me... Taehyung."  Was the only thought jungkook's mind could provide.

Taehyung POV-

"Taehyungie hyungie hyung!!" I heard a familiar voice and stopped on my tracks. Not again..please not him. I turned around to look at the person who definitely isn't a human. No, he can't be. I rejected him. As far as I remember. This freaking bunny looking creature is annoyingly cute. Wait...CUTE?

"Hyung? Are u okay? Earth to taehyungie." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. He wrapped his hands around my arms. I could feel myself resembling a tomato and jimin looking at me with his smug smile. I gave him a death glare but he seemed to not care and walk away.

"Wait- jimin? Yah u fucker?? Come back." But to no vain. This idiot is getting on my nerves. How can he leave me like this?

"Hyung...are we staying like this? We need to go to school don't we? So...shall we go?" Jungkook says. Why is he like this?

I yanked his hand away from me and his doe eyes held sadness. I could've felt guilty if it wasn't for the rage I held for his beloved brother. I realised if he didn't have him...I could've accepted his love for me. Because jungkook is a sweetheart and no one can deny the fact that we is the kindest soul in this entire universe.

"Jungkook? What is this behaviour? Are you mad? I've clearly rejected you. Why can't you just move on?"

Was that harsh? Yes. Did I regret it after looking at his tears? Absolutely. Will I ever give him a chance? No.

"Hyung...one chance is all that is needed and I promise I'll never let you down. P-lease hyungie...kookoo lwikes u."

Is-.... Is Jeon, jungkook...the school's popular boy a- little?

Hwello!! What will Taehyung do now?

Make sure to love yourself and I love you 💗💗

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