My Mind

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My mind is a distorted reality
It projects what it wants me to see
The insecurities, the paranoia
It's all in there

My mind taunts me
It tells me I can't be good enough,
I believe it
I let myself believe it even when others say the opposite

I've never really liked rules but I followed them,
I have never been picture perfect,
I have always been a negative
My mind has done a lot of things, it's made me a lot of things
But sometimes I'd wish to be left alone, it never listens

My life is a distorted reality
I'm living in the aftermath of an apocalypse
In a dimension where everything and nothing is real

My mind is a lot of things
A lot of pain
A lot of regret
A lot of anger
A lot of sadness
Yet I need these things like an addict

I'm addicted to my mind and it kills me from the inside out.

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