Act Two: Malaia; DUAL

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Waking up from a restless dream of seeing that nameless man once again wasn't anything new to Malaia. She quite enjoyed him watching her while she read her book. Although something about him seemed otherworldly to her. Not in the context that he was so attractive that is was unnatural, even though that was an aspect too. Malaia looked over at the clock by her bed and saw it was almost time for her to leave to work. She jumped out of bed and ran to take a shower. While in the shower all she could think about was the man from her dream. How intense his gaze was while looking at her. She wondered why he has never approached her with a conversation in any of the dreams she has had featuring him. She started to think about his features and couldn't help but become aroused. She thought about how his voice must sound like. 'Was it deep as his skin tone?' She thought. Before she knew it her hand was moving south of her body. Her fingers swiped over her clit and she moaned. Her eyes closed. While she worked her hand on her pussy her other hand tweaked her nipples causing electricity to shoot through her body, she could feel her heartbeat in her clit. The speed of her fingers increased while her imagination ran wild. Her lower stomach started to tighten and her legs started to tremble. Before she knew it her body started to spasm as her orgasm hits her. She attempts to catch her breath before removing her hands and continuing to take a shower. Stepping out of the shower she dries herself off with a towel and precedes to her closet to get dressed. Thankfully she can dress business casual at her job. Putting on her favorite pair of jeans and a blue blouse. Once dressed she grabbed her keys and got in her car. 

She went into the library and it was already full of people sitting at the tables toward the back. In particular the man at the table in the corner caught her attention. Something was drawing her to him and she didn't understand what it was about him that called to her. Trying to ignore the pull she walks to her desk in the middle of the library's first floor and takes a seat. She starts logging in to her computer, but realized in her peripheral vision she can still see the man she was drawn to. Finally giving in she looks over at him again and realized he is reading her favorite book. As any other true bibliophile she was excited. Before she knew it she was out her chair walking to the table the man is at. "That's a great book. It's a favorite of mine. What do you think about it?" Malaia said with excitement. Looking from the book to the man her breathe got caught in her throat. It was the man from her dream. 

Malachite -

Making it to Earth Malachite landed in front of a library. Something about the library seemed to call to him. No matter the reason he was on Earth for, just the idea of being able to sit and read his book intrigued him more than the mission his father gave him. Walking into the library, Malachite found an empty table toward the back of the first floor. Taking his book out of his back pocket, Malachite takes a seat and becomes immersed in the book. Around 10 minutes later, Malachite experienced a pull. As if there was a change in the energy at the library. He didn't understand this feeling so he tried to ignore it. Trying to focus back on the book in his hands, the pull started to get stronger.  "That's a great book. It's a favorite of mine. What do you think about it?" a very alluring voice spoke. Looking up from the book he came face to face with the woman from his dream and she was an ethereal sight to be seen. He couldn't believe his eyes. She was real. He thought she was just a figment of his imagination. Something his mind came up with to battle his internal loneliness since his falling out with Kyanite. Malachite felt an unnatural pull to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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