27. Planning

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I was on cloud nine after Prisha agreed to give me time. I asked her for time because I wanted to give her a proper proposal. After all the things she faced, she definitely deserves the best proposal. I will plan a perfect proposal for her. I was lost in my thoughts when someone nudged my shoulder which broke my trance. I looked at Nihal and Isha who were looking at me expectantly. I smiled at them and ruffled Ishas' hair making her huff.

"Bhai! Seriously? We were dying with anxiety here and you are spoiling my hair?" She chided setting her hair. I smiled at her.

"Why the hell are you showing your teeth like a toothpaste model idiot? Tell us what happened!" Nihal demanded. He was very upset when he came to know about the things that happened between me and Prisha and announced that he wouldn't talk to me for a whole day and he managed to do that till noon. Then I had to beg him to forgive me which he did after throwing tantrums for an hour.

"She agreed to give me time!" I announced sitting on the couch and pulled the cushion away from Ishas' lap before placing it on my own lap.

"What?" They both yelled at the same time giving me horrified looks.

"You didn't propose?" Isha asked in a shocked tone with pleading eyes as if asking me to say otherwise but I just shook my head in no and she fell back dramatically.

"Then what did you do there?" Nihal asked and I explained everything to them.

"Thank god! You did something at least. You are not as useless as I thought!" Nihal exclaimed dramatically and ran away as soon as I got up from my place saying he needed to meet Abhinav.

"I am happy for you Bhai!" Isha said once we both were done laughing at Nihal. I nodded at her smiling.

"Ishu..." I called out unsure about how to ask her. I mean how can I ask my sister to help me plan a proposal when we both never talked about these things? It was not like we were not comfortable enough to talk about these but we both were just more focused on our academics and family. The relationship was the last thing in our brains at that time and even when Isha told us about her crush on Abhinav it was on calls and talking in person is entirely different from calls.

"What is it, Bhai?" she asked awaiting my answer. I was about to say nothing but realized she was the only one on whom I could rely. Nihal would tease me more and help less and these two are my only friends with whom I can share everything.

"Will you help me plan a proposal for Prisha?" I finally asked and she literally jumped like a small kid. Who would think that this girl is the COO of a multi-billion company and is handling a bunch of men-kids? Not to forget she is going to be a Queen in a few days.

"Of course, I will. Bhabi is going to get one of the best proposals!" She said all excited and we both talked for a while before a servant came to inform her that Abhigya and Dadi sa were waiting for her at the temple. She covered her head making me frown. She was doing that from the time I came here.

"Ishu, why are you covering your head and why are you always wearing this heavy attire?" I asked the question that was roaming in my mind for days.

"Initially, I didn't want BuaDadi to create a scene over this and this is just for a few days but I started liking it. I want to enjoy the traditional attires as long as I can." She replied smiling. 

"You didn't have to do that for her!" I exclaimed and she gave me a bored look and huffed.

"Not you too, Bhai! Abhinav bugged me for days about this and now you too don't start!" she said making me chuckle and I nodded at her.  

Once she went away, I too went to Abhinav to discuss our plan to lure the minister and make him confess his involvement.

I knocked on his study door and entered. The atmosphere there seemed hot as if they were discussing something real serious. Abhinav was sitting on his chair like a king with his eyes blazing fire and jaw clenched. Ishaan was having the same reaction and he was holding his phone so tight that it might break any moment. Abhishek was doing something on his laptop with the same expressions.

"Am I disturbing you guys? Are you doing something important?" I asked looking at them in turns expecting someone to answer.

"No, we can discuss our plan now. The minister confirmed his arrival for the coronation in the morning and also the party in the evening. All we need to do is find one of his godowns and raid there. I will block him from going out of the palace and we can get his confession when he uses his mobile to contact his men. I have also arranged for the permission to tap his phone." Abhinav informed me and I nodded at him.

"I will get the teams ready for the raid then. I have to inform the narcotics department too. But, the main reason for this operation is to expose his connections with the recent attacks. And I have a perfect plan for that. I need your support to go ahead with that plan." I said and awaited his response.

"I am ready to help you to any extent if it benefits my people." He said with determination in his voice and I explained my plan to him and he listened intently and we decided to go ahead with that plan.

I was about to walk out when we heard a knock at the door that made us look at the door confused. Abhinav said a come in and Prisha walked in smiling.

"Oh, you all are here. I was searching for you guys." she sighed looking at all of us and she gave me a bright smile when our eyes met and I returned it.

"Dadi was asking for you guys. It is time for Puja." She informed and all of them moved out one by one leaving both of us alone. 

She was about to walk away but I was fast enough to get hold of her wrist and turned her to me. She raised her eyebrows at me asking what but I shrugged taking a step closer to her.

"Wh...what are you doing?" she asked stuttering while I took another step closer to her. I took a little kohl from her eye and applied it behind her ear and whispered in her ear

"You are looking gorgeous!" 

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