Part 1!

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A/N - So this is my first POV writing, and I'm pretty sure I messed up a bunch of stuff. But I hope everyone enjoys it! Reviews are welcome.
Soundtrack for this part would be "Someone like you" by Adele. :)

"Who would've known how bittersweet this would taste?"

~ Zeva's POV. ~

- "Zee!" Mats exclaimed, as he chased me throughout the whole house. It was a rainy day in Munich, and we both decided to stay in and watch a movie. I chose the recently released "Wall-E," whereas Mats chose to watch another recent one called "Quantum of Solace." And then I took the DVD of Quantum of Solace and ran away with it; there was no way I was going to watch that movie on a rainy day! I was hiding behind the door, as I could hear Mats' footsteps coming closer and closer. He almost entered the room, but then walked out. I slowly stepped out from behind the door, letting out a sigh of relief and thinking about how I could now hide it somewhere he'd never find it. My parents were out of town so the entire house was empty, and you'd think that a 19 year old girl and 20 year old guy would've turned the whole place into a party pad by now, but we were two very lazy people. I walked towards my bedside table to hide the DVD in, but as soon as I unlocked it, I felt Mats pull me by my waist and throw me onto the bed.

"Matsiii, stoooooop," I tried pushing him away with my arms, as the DVD went flying to the ground. He kept tickling me, and my laughter filled up the whole room. He was on top of me now, his face directly facing me. The tickling slowly lessened, and he just lay on top of me, staring at me. The sound of the rain falling on my window pane, and the distant noise of "I'm yours" by Jason Mraz playing on the TV in the other room made the moment even more perfect. I ran my thumb across his cheeks with my hand set on his sharp jaw. "I wish time would just stop," I slowly spoke. We had been together for 3 years, and with each year, things had only gotten better. But I had never wished for time to stop as much as I did in that moment, guess my sixth sense worked and gave me a sign that something was going to go wrong.

"Time always stops for me when I'm with you," Mats whispered back. The whole house was empty – yet we, for some reason, felt the need to speak lowly.

"I love you, Mats Julian Hummels. I wish we could be like this forever. On the same bed, on each other," I had to pause as we both laughed. "I wish we could just live together."

"I love you too, Zeva. And one day, when I'm a much more successful footballer, when I've won the World Cup and a bunch of titles, I'm gonna marry you. We'll have it all together, and from that day on, we won't have to say goodbye anymore, only goodnight," he smiled. It was hard – He had signed a deal with Borussia Dortmund and would only visit me during the free time he had from matches. And then there was the issue of my Dad – he didn't know how a future with a footballer would turn out, but at the end of the day, Mats made me happy and that consoled my Dad to some extent.

"One day?" I asked, looking into his dark brown eyes. Who knew that such a dark colour would be the light of my life?

"One day," he answered, pressing his lips against mine.

And then that one day was here. It was another rainy day in Munich, and it had now been 6 years since he said that one day, he'd marry me. A lot had changed in these 6 years, but Mats sure had fulfilled most of his goals – He had one a World Cup with the Germany National Team almost a year ago, and in the past few years with Dortmund, won two league titles, one DFB Pokal, two DFL Supercups, and had reached both the DFB Pokal and Champions League finals. He was much more successful than my Dad thought he would be. And now he was completing one more goal – getting married. Except, he wasn't marrying me, he was marrying my best friend, Cathy Fischer.

"Bittersweet." - A Mats Hummels Twoshot.Where stories live. Discover now