Part 2! [Last part!]

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A/N - I know I'm extremely late in updating this, very very sorry! Some things went off and I couldn't write properly so yesss. But here it is! Hope you guys like it! Soundtrack for this part would be "It's hard to get around the wind" by Alex Turner and/or "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran. I find both the songs fitting x

"And even when you know the way it's gonna blow, it's hard to get around the wind."

~ Zeva's POV. ~

The heart twisted along with the doorknob I held in my hand, slowly opening the door. My heartbeats got faster and faster with each second - The off-white room looked bright yet bland, and the only thing in it that caught my eye was Mats's back.

"Good God, Jonas, how does it take you so lo-" Mats turned around while speaking, and stopped mid-sentence. He still looked so wonderful, just as lovely as the first day I saw him. Not that I hadn't been following his life through pictures and videos on the internet, but he looked even better in person. His freshly shaved face was glowing, his cheeks shining. The ash suit he had on, paired with white and yellow suit him so well. Everything always suits him so well. I stared on at him, the startled look on his face easily gave away the fact that he wasn't expecting me to show up at the wedding.

"Hi,' I broke the awkward silence, and it took every bit of courage in me to say that simple word.

"H-hi," he softly replied, I knew he was trying to hide how stunned he was.

"How.. um, how are you?" I asked, closing the door behind me and taking the tiniest possible steps towards Mats. He stood still, trying to get himself together. Was facing him today really a good idea?

"I'm good. Great, actually. What-what about you?" he replied with the most unsettling smile. He really wasn't expecting to see me anytime soon, and definitely not today.

"I'm pretty alright," I tried smiling back. "Congratulations on the wedding! And all the achievements. I knew you always had it in you to do great things, and I hope you know I've always been proud of you."

"Thank you, it means a lot. You work for the United Nations now, yeah? Cathy told me. That's really great, I always knew you had it in you, too. And I mean that," his reply seemed a lot more comfortable this time.

"Thanks," I smiled wide, hoping he acknowledged that I truly appreciated his compliments. I went and sat on the couch kept a step or two across Mats. "I'm happy for you, I really am. Cathy is a wonderful person and so are you. I can't think of a person who deserves you more than her." Maybe I once did, but not anymore.

"Thanks," his tone was vague, and I could sense that he was about to say something I wouldn't want to hear. "Not even you?"

There it was. The thing I didn't want to hear.

I instantly shifted my gaze from the floor to his face. His brows furrowed and made the atmosphere of the room a lot more serious than it was.

"I love her, a lot. But I can't help but ask. Not even you?" he stood with folded arms, gazing at me for an answer. I let out a deep breath, and knew that it was time to actually confront what I had been running away from for 5 years now. It was time to face the truth.

"No. I chose my aims and career over you, Cathy would never do that. When you needed a person the most, I wasn't even anywhere near - she was. I didn't turn back even once and all Cathy ever did was be the one you could always turn to. So no, Mats. Not even me," tears rolled down my cheeks without me even realising when.

Mats sighed before answering, "Hmm. But you know, it's not wrong to pursue your dreams. No one would turn back, and I myself forced you to take the chance in the first place."

"Bittersweet." - A Mats Hummels Twoshot.Where stories live. Discover now