day 1 (continued)

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Rowan walked over to Ryley's table "YOU PRICK. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN DO THAT?" Rowan screamed, then Ryley snickered, "'cause im hot, that's why, Rowan." Rowan looks at him with a challenging look. "Oh are you? I'd say you're pretty, not hot, pretty boy."
the other kids at his table who were watching this go down, gave Ryley that, "You're gonna do better than that, right?" look, and he did. "Okay, pretty girl." he winked, and Rowan went red-ish. "OH SHUT UP" Rowan said as she covered her obviously red face with her hands. "Someone's flustered~" Ryley smirked "AM NOT" said Rowan "Am too~" Rowan side-eyed him "ARG YOU PRICK."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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