1. A Nightmare that almost makes sense but not quite

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I walked inside the gym. The whole space was filled with students, and everyone was dressed in sporty clothes. I didn't recognize any of them.

Suddenly someone placed their hands around my wrists. I was pinned in place.

"I do martial arts," the girl said. Her brown hair was on a ponytail, and she had the smile of a crazy person plastered on her face. "I could easily break the bones". She glanced down at my wrists and licked her lips. It was extremely unsettling. She stared at me with those crazy eyes, without blinking once.

I was confused and slightly alarmed, but not exactly afraid since I estimated that I was stronger than her. "Let go of me!", I exclaimed and yanked my arms free.

I quickly backed away from her, and in my hurried escape I ended up stumbling over something. Or rather someone. It was a girl in a wheelchair. I felt terrible. "I'm so so sorry," I apologized to her. "I wasn't looking where I was going, so this is entirely my fault. I hope you didn't get hurt!". I smiled apologetically.

I met her gaze and noticed that she looked borderline furious. "Why do people like you always underestimate my strength?", she demanded and pushed her glasses higher up along her nose.

"What?" I sounded as confused as I felt.

The girl in the wheelchair proceeded to grab my wrists, and looked me manically in the eyes while telling me that she was more than capable of breaking them. "I'm even stronger than she is", the girl said and nodded towards the brown-haired crazy girl.

A wicked smile spread across her face, but before she had the chance to put her words into action, I yanked myself free and ran away from both of them. To my great relief neither of them followed me.


The rest of the gym class went on as normal, and no one seemed to have noticed the strange interaction at the beginning of the class.

After the class was over I made my way to the escalator, and during the ride up, I had time to think about the two crazy girls. I was sure I had never met them before, and couldn't for the life of me understand why two strangers would want to break my wrists.

Once I was on the second level of the school, I noticed a bunch of tiny shops and cafés around me. Weird. I didn't remember my school having a whole level dedicated to eating and shopping.

I did not have time to think about how much the school had changed since I'd last been there, because a loud voice from the speakers demanded my instant attention.

"Fire in the hole!" A manly voice hollered with an Aussie accent. A mad laugh followed.

A RIP-tire flew in through a window, and before anyone had time to scream, it exploded.

I shut my eyes.


After what felt like an eternity, I finally gathered the courage to open my eyes. The explosion had happened right next to me, but somehow I was completely unharmed.

My eyes scanned the crowd around me.

Most students were crying hysterically. Some stood still, paralyzed by fear. Only a few moved. Odd. It almost looked like they were dancing.

A blonde girl around my age bent her back in an unnatural way, and she seemed to be shrinking. Her black t-shirt was smoking.

The longer I stared at her, the more alarmed I became. Something was horribly wrong with her.

She indeed was shrinking, almost melting even, and so were a few other students around her. The shrinking students let out one loud scream in sync, and suddenly all of them were gone. Poof. Just like that, they'd disappeared into thin air right in front of me.

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