Chapter 9

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Shraddha's POV-

I shouldn't think about anything right now that aunty just ruined my mood even more but then i saw kartik and he was going somewhere "im going to my friend's house if mum asks tell her i will come tomorrow" he said without even looking at me and left i took my phone and looked at the time it was 8 PM and i felt sleepy i went upstairs to the room and opened it there was no one inside i went towards the bed and fell at sleep

The next day 3pm
Kartik's POV
I came back and saw Alia and Varun leaving "where are you both going?" i asked "is my friend's wedding so we both are going we will come back in 2 days" he said and left but then i saw mum and dad also going somewhere "where are you guys going?" I asked "to a funeral we will come in 3 days take care of Shraddha" mum said and then they both left did mum really say care wow now i can torture Shraddha everywhere in this house without anyone coming in between this would be fun i went towards the room and opened the door i saw Shraddha peacefully sleeping how can she be peacefully sleeping ughh i want her to be scared not to be sleeping peacefully i left from the room and went to the terrace I sat down on the swinging sofa and started getting flashbacks that made me want to just kill Shraddha


I messaged Shraddha angrily 'dont come Infront of me again ill kill you' and then blocked her how can she cheat on me how!!??? I loved her!! I went to the car and sat down and drove quickly i arrived home and went to my room and locked the door i started breaking everything that was inside the room i saw some pictures of shraddha there and took them downstairs i went towards the kichen and got a lighter then i went towards the garden i had all the pictures in one hand and in the other hand i had the lighter then i burned all the pictures and threw them down they still had fire so i stepped on them and crushed them into black small pieces some tears even started coming out but i cleaned them i won't cry for such women! I hate her all the love i had would never come back all the love i had for her left


I hate her! I should remind her that i hate her! Why did i take her side just why!??? If she thinks i still love her because i took her side i will prove her wrong

Shraddha's POV

I woke up and took my phone and looked at the time it was 3:30 PM i went towards the bathroom and got ready

I came outside and opened the door i was about to go outside but Kartik came and pushed me back inside the room his face was emotionless but his eyes could show anger i started getting scared

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I came outside and opened the door i was about to go outside but Kartik came and pushed me back inside the room his face was emotionless but his eyes could show anger i started getting scared

I came outside and opened the door i was about to go outside but Kartik came and pushed me back inside the room his face was emotionless but his eyes could show anger i started getting scared

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But then he closed the door and locked it so i don't go outside he came towards me and grabbed my shoulder tightly making me scream for a second "it's" i said anxiously "does it look like i care?" He said "pl...please let me go" i said "oh ok" he said and let my shoulder go i went towards the door but he grabbed my wrist and pushed me on the table making my head hit the table and my hands making some things that were on top of the table to fall "you really throught i would let you go so easily" he said "why are you doing this!? Just give me divorce then.. I don't want to be tortured everyday" i yelled but there he Grabbed my wrist and made me get up then he pushed me towards the wall and then went towards the wardrobe and got 2 ties out then he went towards a small table and kicked it making it come next to me i was in between 2 tables then he came towards me and tied my right hand on the table that was at the right then he went towards the left table and tied my left hand and then sat down on the bed infront of me "so what did you say!? Haan!? You want divorce" he said "ye...yes" i said panickly "do i have to remind you what i said before!!??? I won't let you go so easily! Oops but i said that for that situation but for this one i would say I won't let you go you will always be with me and no one else and have you forgot about your parents what would they say and i won't sign the papers" he said with smirk on his face "i will run away then" i said nervously "you forgot who i am? I literally have so many guards it's impossible for you to even run away even if you do we will find you so easily and if you try to go outside my guards will bring you in my room in like 10 seconds" he said coldly "i will suicide then!!" I yelled oops I shouldn't have said that infront of him i wish i could just disappear right now or atleast go somewhere else but he tied me here "oh you will suicide wow you can even do that because of me but i won't even let you die i won't let you live peacefully and won't let you even die" he said with a smirk on his face "i can marry anyone else!!! I can stay with some other boy but not with you!" I yelled but then his smile dropped and his face started showing lots of anger i literally regret saying what i said now im literally feeling fear now he looked very angry he clenched his fist and got up and went towards me and punched the wall next to my head and that made me flinch "Your mine! Only mine! I would never let you marry anyone else understood that!???" He shouted but i kept silent "Understood that!!?" He yelled but i still kept silent "Don't make me repeat again or else" he said and grabbed my neck harshly "" i said "oh really you didnt understand that" he said "n..o" i said "are you sure" he said

"ye..s i..m s..sur..-" i didn't even have the time to finish my sentence because his hand that was on my neck went back and i was pinned roughly on the wall and Kartik's lips were on mine he was kissing me very harshly making me wince in pain he was firstly sucking my bottow lip and then my upper lip i didn't respond to his kiss he was trying to enter my mouth using his tongue but i didn't let him but then his hands roamed around my body and soon his hands went inside my top as soon as his warm hands made contact with my skin i let out a gasp. Kartik took this as a opportunity to enter my mouth and he didn't leave a part of my mouth untouched with his tongue

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